C++ API Reference
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// Copyright 2020 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license agreement
// provided at the time of installation or download, or which otherwise
// accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
// ==========================================================================
// The plug-in demonstrates how to draw custom locators using MPxSubSceneOverride.
// It can be compared with other plugins which draw the same footprint locator,
// including footPrintNode, rawfootPrintNode and footPrintNode_GeometryOverride.
// For more info, please refer to the developer guide documentation on Choices
// for Porting Plug-in Locators to Viewport 2.0.
// The implementation doesn't monitor DAG changes, so the update() method needs
// to be called in every frame and walk through all the instances to look for
// color/matrix changes in order to determine whether render items and UI drawables
// need to be updated. If expecting large numbers of instances, monitoring change
// events and changing only the required instances should be done instead to
// improve efficiency.
// The MRenderItem class is used to draw the mesh and allow hardware instancing
// and consolidation to kick in. When the DAG object is instanced, plug-ins can
// call setInstanceTransformArray()/setExtraInstanceData() to convert a regular
// render item to an instanced one with the supplied per-instance data such as
// matrices and colors. Both regular and instanced render items can opt in to
// leverage VP2 consolidation by calling setWantConsolidation(). This example
// implements a mini shader cache to allow for sharing shaders among multiple
// render items so that VP2 consolidation can kick in.
// The MUIDrawManager class is used to draw the texts. UI drawables created in a
// subscene will be kept alive until the next addUIDrawables() call. Although UI
// drawables cannot leverage hardware instancing or consolidation, it is possible
// for the plug-in to batch UI drawables for all DAG instances together and
// reduce the draw overhead. Note this method might not be applicable for complex
// meshes because of the cost of transforming a large number of vertices between
// different object spaces using CPU, thus for this case the MRenderItem class
// should be used. See the addUIDrawables() method for batching UI drawables and
// the transformation between spaces.
// Selection is handled by the getInstancedSelectionPath() method. To prevent it
// from being called for any unqualified selection hits, each render item should
// be assigned with a proper selection mask.
// Example usage is to load the plug-in and create the node:
// loadPlugin footPrintNode_SubSceneOverride;
// createNode footPrint_SubSceneOverride;
#include <maya/MPxLocatorNode.h>
#include <maya/MString.h>
#include <maya/MTypeId.h>
#include <maya/MPlug.h>
#include <maya/MDataBlock.h>
#include <maya/MColor.h>
#include <maya/M3dView.h>
#include <maya/MFnPlugin.h>
#include <maya/MDistance.h>
#include <maya/MFnUnitAttribute.h>
#include <maya/MGlobal.h>
#include <maya/MFnDagNode.h>
#include <maya/MSelectionContext.h>
#include <maya/MDagMessage.h>
// Viewport 2.0 includes
#include <maya/MDrawRegistry.h>
#include <maya/MPxSubSceneOverride.h>
#include <maya/MShaderManager.h>
#include <maya/MHWGeometry.h>
#include <maya/MHWGeometryUtilities.h>
#include <unordered_map>
// Foot Data
float sole[][3] = { { 0.00f, 0.0f, -0.70f },
{ 0.04f, 0.0f, -0.69f },
{ 0.09f, 0.0f, -0.65f },
{ 0.13f, 0.0f, -0.61f },
{ 0.16f, 0.0f, -0.54f },
{ 0.17f, 0.0f, -0.46f },
{ 0.17f, 0.0f, -0.35f },
{ 0.16f, 0.0f, -0.25f },
{ 0.15f, 0.0f, -0.14f },
{ 0.13f, 0.0f, 0.00f },
{ 0.00f, 0.0f, 0.00f },
{ -0.13f, 0.0f, 0.00f },
{ -0.15f, 0.0f, -0.14f },
{ -0.16f, 0.0f, -0.25f },
{ -0.17f, 0.0f, -0.35f },
{ -0.17f, 0.0f, -0.46f },
{ -0.16f, 0.0f, -0.54f },
{ -0.13f, 0.0f, -0.61f },
{ -0.09f, 0.0f, -0.65f },
{ -0.04f, 0.0f, -0.69f },
{ -0.00f, 0.0f, -0.70f } };
float heel[][3] = { { 0.00f, 0.0f, 0.06f },
{ 0.13f, 0.0f, 0.06f },
{ 0.14f, 0.0f, 0.15f },
{ 0.14f, 0.0f, 0.21f },
{ 0.13f, 0.0f, 0.25f },
{ 0.11f, 0.0f, 0.28f },
{ 0.09f, 0.0f, 0.29f },
{ 0.04f, 0.0f, 0.30f },
{ 0.00f, 0.0f, 0.30f },
{ -0.04f, 0.0f, 0.30f },
{ -0.09f, 0.0f, 0.29f },
{ -0.11f, 0.0f, 0.28f },
{ -0.13f, 0.0f, 0.25f },
{ -0.14f, 0.0f, 0.21f },
{ -0.14f, 0.0f, 0.15f },
{ -0.13f, 0.0f, 0.06f },
{ -0.00f, 0.0f, 0.06f } };
int soleCount = 21;
int heelCount = 17;
// Viewport 2.0 specific data
const MString colorParameterName_ = "solidColor";
const MString wireframeItemName_ = "footPrintLocatorWires";
const MString shadedItemName_ = "footPrintLocatorTriangles";
// Maintain a mini cache for 3d solid shaders in order to reuse the shader
// instance whenever possible. This can allow Viewport 2.0 optimization e.g.
// the GPU instancing system and the consolidation system to be leveraged.
struct MColorHash
std::size_t operator()(const MColor& color) const
std::size_t seed = 0;
CombineHashCode(seed, color.r);
CombineHashCode(seed, color.g);
CombineHashCode(seed, color.b);
CombineHashCode(seed, color.a);
return seed;
void CombineHashCode(std::size_t& seed, float v) const
std::hash<float> hasher;
seed ^= hasher(v) + 0x9e3779b9 + (seed << 6) + (seed >> 2);
std::unordered_map<MColor, MHWRender::MShaderInstance*, MColorHash> the3dSolidShaders;
MHWRender::MShaderInstance* get3dSolidShader(const MColor& color)
// Return the shader instance if exists.
auto it = the3dSolidShaders.find(color);
if (it != the3dSolidShaders.end())
return it->second;
if (renderer)
const MHWRender::MShaderManager* shaderMgr = renderer->getShaderManager();
if (shaderMgr)
if (shader)
float solidColor[] = { color.r, color.g, color.b, 1.0f };
shader->setParameter(colorParameterName_, solidColor);
the3dSolidShaders[color] = shader;
return shader;
MStatus releaseShaders()
if (renderer)
const MHWRender::MShaderManager* shaderMgr = renderer->getShaderManager();
if (shaderMgr)
for (auto it = the3dSolidShaders.begin(); it != the3dSolidShaders.end(); it++)
return MS::kSuccess;
return MS::kFailure;
} // anonymous namespace
// Node implementation with legacy viewport draw
class footPrint : public MPxLocatorNode
~footPrint() override;
MStatus compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data ) override;
bool isBounded() const override;
MBoundingBox boundingBox() const override;
static void * creator();
static MStatus initialize();
static MObject size; // The size of the foot
static MTypeId id;
static MString drawDbClassification;
static MString drawRegistrantId;
MObject footPrint::size;
MTypeId footPrint::id( 0x00080037 );
MString footPrint::drawDbClassification("drawdb/subscene/footPrint_SubSceneOverride");
MString footPrint::drawRegistrantId("FootprintNode_SubSceneOverridePlugin");
footPrint::footPrint() {}
footPrint::~footPrint() {}
MStatus footPrint::compute( const MPlug& /*plug*/, MDataBlock& /*data*/ )
return MS::kUnknownParameter;
bool footPrint::isBounded() const
return true;
MBoundingBox footPrint::boundingBox() const
// Get the size
MObject thisNode = thisMObject();
MPlug plug( thisNode, size );
MDistance sizeVal;
plug.getValue( sizeVal );
double multiplier = sizeVal.asCentimeters();
MPoint corner1( -0.17, 0.0, -0.7 );
MPoint corner2( 0.17, 0.0, 0.3 );
corner1 = corner1 * multiplier;
corner2 = corner2 * multiplier;
return MBoundingBox( corner1, corner2 );
MSelectionMask footPrint::getShapeSelectionMask() const
return MSelectionMask("footPrintSelection");
void* footPrint::creator()
return new footPrint();
MStatus footPrint::initialize()
MStatus stat;
size = unitFn.create( "size", "sz", MFnUnitAttribute::kDistance );
unitFn.setDefault( 1.0 );
stat = addAttribute( size );
if (!stat) {
return stat;
return MS::kSuccess;
// Viewport 2.0 override implementation
class FootPrintSubSceneOverride : public MHWRender::MPxSubSceneOverride
static MHWRender::MPxSubSceneOverride* Creator(const MObject& obj)
return new FootPrintSubSceneOverride(obj);
~FootPrintSubSceneOverride() override;
MHWRender::DrawAPI supportedDrawAPIs() const override
return MHWRender::kAllDevices;
const MHWRender::MFrameContext& frameContext) const override
return true;
void update(
const MHWRender::MFrameContext& frameContext) override;
bool hasUIDrawables() const override
return true;
bool areUIDrawablesDirty() const override
return fAreUIDrawablesDirty;
const MHWRender::MFrameContext& frameContext) override;
const MHWRender::MRenderItem& renderItem,
const MHWRender::MIntersection& intersection,
MDagPath& dagPath) const override;
FootPrintSubSceneOverride(const MObject& obj);
// Create and delete VB/IB
void rebuildGeometryBuffers();
void deleteGeometryBuffers();
MObject fLocatorNode;
float fMultiplier;
bool fIsInstanceMode;
bool fAreUIDrawablesDirty;
MHWRender::MVertexBuffer* fPositionBuffer;
MHWRender::MIndexBuffer* fWireIndexBuffer;
MHWRender::MIndexBuffer* fShadedIndexBuffer;
struct InstanceInfo
MMatrix fMatrix;
MColor fColor;
InstanceInfo() {}
InstanceInfo(const MMatrix& m, const MColor& c) : fMatrix(m), fColor(c) {}
typedef std::map<unsigned int, InstanceInfo> InstanceInfoMap;
InstanceInfoMap fInstanceInfoCache;
// Callbacks on instance added/removed.
static void InstanceChangedCallback(MDagPath &child, MDagPath &parent, void *clientData);
MCallbackId fInstanceAddedCbId;
MCallbackId fInstanceRemovedCbId;
MDagPathArray fInstanceDagPaths;
FootPrintSubSceneOverride::FootPrintSubSceneOverride(const MObject& obj)
: MHWRender::MPxSubSceneOverride(obj)
, fLocatorNode(obj)
, fMultiplier(0.0f)
, fIsInstanceMode(false)
, fAreUIDrawablesDirty(true)
, fPositionBuffer(NULL)
, fWireIndexBuffer(NULL)
, fShadedIndexBuffer(NULL)
, fInstanceAddedCbId(0)
, fInstanceRemovedCbId(0)
MDagPath dagPath;
if (MDagPath::getAPathTo(obj, dagPath))
dagPath, InstanceChangedCallback, this);
dagPath, InstanceChangedCallback, this);
if (fInstanceAddedCbId != 0)
fInstanceAddedCbId = 0;
if (fInstanceRemovedCbId != 0)
fInstanceRemovedCbId = 0;
/* static */
void FootPrintSubSceneOverride::InstanceChangedCallback(
MDagPath& child,
MDagPath& parent,
void* clientData)
FootPrintSubSceneOverride* ovr = static_cast<FootPrintSubSceneOverride*>(clientData);
if (ovr)
void FootPrintSubSceneOverride::update(
const MHWRender::MFrameContext& frameContext)
unsigned int numInstances = fInstanceDagPaths.length();
if (numInstances == 0)
if (!MDagPath::getAllPathsTo(fLocatorNode, fInstanceDagPaths))
fprintf(stderr, "FootPrintSubSceneOverride: Failed to get all DAG paths.\n");
numInstances = fInstanceDagPaths.length();
if (numInstances == 0) return;
MHWRender::MShaderInstance* shader = get3dSolidShader(
if (!shader)
fprintf(stderr, "FootPrintSubSceneOverride: Failed to get a 3d solid shader.\n");
MPlug plug(fLocatorNode, footPrint::size);
float newMultiplier = 1.0f;
if (!plug.isNull())
MDistance sizeVal;
if (plug.getValue(sizeVal))
newMultiplier = (float)sizeVal.asCentimeters();
bool updateGeometry = (container.count() == 0);
if (fMultiplier != newMultiplier)
fMultiplier = newMultiplier;
updateGeometry = true;
if (updateGeometry)
bool anyInstanceChanged = false;
unsigned int numVisibleInstances = 0;
const unsigned int componentsPerColor = 4; // RGBA color
MMatrixArray instanceMatrixArray(numInstances);
MFloatArray instanceColorArray(numInstances * componentsPerColor);
// If expecting large numbers of instances, walking through all the instances
// every frame to look for changes is not efficient enough. Monitoring change
// events and changing only the required instances should be done instead.
for (unsigned int i=0; i<numInstances; i++)
const MDagPath& instance = fInstanceDagPaths[i];
if (instance.isValid() && instance.isVisible())
InstanceInfo instanceInfo(instance.inclusiveMatrix(),
InstanceInfoMap::iterator iter = fInstanceInfoCache.find(i);
if (iter == fInstanceInfoCache.end() ||
iter->second.fColor != instanceInfo.fColor ||
if (!fAreUIDrawablesDirty &&
(iter == fInstanceInfoCache.end() ||
fAreUIDrawablesDirty = true;
anyInstanceChanged = true;
fInstanceInfoCache[i] = instanceInfo;
instanceMatrixArray[numVisibleInstances] = instanceInfo.fMatrix;
instanceColorArray[numVisibleInstances*componentsPerColor] = instanceInfo.fColor.r;
instanceColorArray[numVisibleInstances*componentsPerColor+1] = instanceInfo.fColor.g;
instanceColorArray[numVisibleInstances*componentsPerColor+2] = instanceInfo.fColor.b;
instanceColorArray[numVisibleInstances*componentsPerColor+3] = instanceInfo.fColor.a;
InstanceInfoMap::iterator iter = fInstanceInfoCache.find(i);
if (iter != fInstanceInfoCache.end())
anyInstanceChanged = true;
fAreUIDrawablesDirty = true;
// Shrink to fit
unsigned int numInstanceInfo = fInstanceInfoCache.size();
if (numInstanceInfo != numVisibleInstances)
for (unsigned int i=numVisibleInstances; i<numInstanceInfo; i++)
anyInstanceChanged = true;
fAreUIDrawablesDirty = true;
bool itemsChanged = false;
MHWRender::MRenderItem* wireItem = container.find(wireframeItemName_);
if (!wireItem)
wireItem = MHWRender::MRenderItem::Create(wireframeItemName_,
itemsChanged = true;
MHWRender::MRenderItem* shadedItem = container.find(shadedItemName_);
if (!shadedItem)
shadedItem = MHWRender::MRenderItem::Create(shadedItemName_,
itemsChanged = true;
if (itemsChanged || anyInstanceChanged)
if (itemsChanged || updateGeometry)
MStatus status;
MFnDagNode node(fLocatorNode, &status);
footPrint* fp = status ? dynamic_cast<footPrint*>(node.userNode()) : NULL;
MBoundingBox *bounds = fp ? new MBoundingBox(fp->boundingBox()) : NULL;
vertexBuffers.addBuffer("positions", fPositionBuffer);
setGeometryForRenderItem(*wireItem, vertexBuffers, *fWireIndexBuffer, bounds);
setGeometryForRenderItem(*shadedItem, vertexBuffers, *fShadedIndexBuffer, bounds);
if (bounds) delete bounds;
if (itemsChanged || anyInstanceChanged)
if (!fIsInstanceMode && numInstances == 1)
// When not dealing with multiple instances, don't convert the render items into instanced
// mode. Set the matrices on them directly.
MMatrix& objToWorld = instanceMatrixArray[0];
// If we have DAG instances of this shape then use the MPxSubSceneOverride instance
// transform API to set up instance copies of the render items. This will be faster
// to render than creating render items for each instance, especially for large numbers
// of instances.
// Note this has to happen after the geometry and shaders are set, otherwise it will fail.
setInstanceTransformArray(*wireItem, instanceMatrixArray);
setInstanceTransformArray(*shadedItem, instanceMatrixArray);
setExtraInstanceData(*wireItem, colorParameterName_, instanceColorArray);
setExtraInstanceData(*shadedItem, colorParameterName_, instanceColorArray);
// Once we change the render items into instance rendering they can't be changed back without
// being deleted and re-created. So if instances are deleted to leave only one remaining,
// just keep treating them the instance way.
fIsInstanceMode = true;
void FootPrintSubSceneOverride::addUIDrawables(
const MHWRender::MFrameContext& frameContext)
MPoint pos( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
MColor textColor( 0.1f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 1.0f );
MString text( "Footprint" );
drawManager.setColor( textColor );
// MUIDrawManager assumes the object space of the original instance. If there
// are multiple instances, each text needs to be drawn in the origin of each
// instance, so we need to transform the coordinates from each instance's
// object space to the original instance's object space.
MMatrix worldInverse0 = fInstanceInfoCache[0].fMatrix.inverse();
for (auto it = fInstanceInfoCache.begin(); it != fInstanceInfoCache.end(); it++)
drawManager.text((pos * it->second.fMatrix) * worldInverse0,
fAreUIDrawablesDirty = false;
bool FootPrintSubSceneOverride::getInstancedSelectionPath(
const MHWRender::MRenderItem& renderItem,
const MHWRender::MIntersection& intersection,
MDagPath& dagPath) const
unsigned int numInstances = fInstanceDagPaths.length();
if (numInstances == 0) return false;
// The instance ID starts from 1 for the first DAG path. We use instanceID-1
// as the index to DAG path array returned by MFnDagNode::getAllPaths().
int instanceId = intersection.instanceID();
if (instanceId > (int)numInstances) return false;
// Return the first DAG path in case of no instancing.
if (numInstances == 1 || instanceId == -1)
instanceId = 1;
return MDagPath::getAPathTo(fInstanceDagPaths[instanceId-1].transform(), dagPath);
void FootPrintSubSceneOverride::rebuildGeometryBuffers()
// VB for positions. We concatenate the heel and sole positions into a single vertex buffer.
// The index buffers will decide which positions will be selected for each render items.
fPositionBuffer = new MHWRender::MVertexBuffer(vbDesc);
if (fPositionBuffer)
float* positions = (float*)fPositionBuffer->acquire(soleCount+heelCount, true);
if (positions)
int verticesPointerOffset = 0;
for (int currentVertex = 0 ; currentVertex < soleCount+heelCount; ++currentVertex)
if (currentVertex < heelCount)
int heelVtx = currentVertex;
positions[verticesPointerOffset++] = heel[heelVtx][0] * fMultiplier;
positions[verticesPointerOffset++] = heel[heelVtx][1] * fMultiplier;
positions[verticesPointerOffset++] = heel[heelVtx][2] * fMultiplier;
int soleVtx = currentVertex - heelCount;
positions[verticesPointerOffset++] = sole[soleVtx][0] * fMultiplier;
positions[verticesPointerOffset++] = sole[soleVtx][1] * fMultiplier;
positions[verticesPointerOffset++] = sole[soleVtx][2] * fMultiplier;
// IB for the wireframe item
if (fWireIndexBuffer)
int primitiveIndex = 0;
int startIndex = 0;
int numPrimitive = heelCount + soleCount - 2;
int numIndex = numPrimitive * 2;
unsigned int* indices = (unsigned int*)fWireIndexBuffer->acquire(numIndex, true);
if (indices)
for (int i = 0; i < numIndex; )
if (i < (heelCount - 1) * 2)
startIndex = 0;
primitiveIndex = i / 2;
startIndex = heelCount;
primitiveIndex = i / 2 - heelCount + 1;
indices[i++] = startIndex + primitiveIndex;
indices[i++] = startIndex + primitiveIndex + 1;
// IB for the shaded item
if (fShadedIndexBuffer)
int primitiveIndex = 0;
int startIndex = 0;
int numPrimitive = heelCount + soleCount - 4;
int numIndex = numPrimitive * 3;
unsigned int* indices = (unsigned int*)fShadedIndexBuffer->acquire(numIndex, true);
if (indices)
for (int i = 0; i < numIndex; )
if (i < (heelCount - 2) * 3)
startIndex = 0;
primitiveIndex = i / 3;
startIndex = heelCount;
primitiveIndex = i / 3 - heelCount + 2;
indices[i++] = startIndex;
indices[i++] = startIndex + primitiveIndex + 1;
indices[i++] = startIndex + primitiveIndex + 2;
void FootPrintSubSceneOverride::deleteGeometryBuffers()
if (fPositionBuffer)
delete fPositionBuffer;
fPositionBuffer = NULL;
if (fWireIndexBuffer)
delete fWireIndexBuffer;
fWireIndexBuffer = NULL;
if (fShadedIndexBuffer)
delete fShadedIndexBuffer;
fShadedIndexBuffer = NULL;
// Plugin Registration
MStatus initializePlugin( MObject obj )
MStatus status;
MFnPlugin plugin(obj, PLUGIN_COMPANY, "1.0", "Any");
status = plugin.registerNode(
if (!status)
return status;
if (!status)
return status;
// Register a custom selection mask with priority 2 (same as locators by default).
MSelectionMask::registerSelectionType("footPrintSelection", 2);
status = MGlobal::executeCommand("selectType -byName \"footPrintSelection\" 1");
return status;
MStatus uninitializePlugin( MObject obj)
MStatus status;
MFnPlugin plugin( obj );
if (!status)
return status;
status = releaseShaders();
if (!status)
return status;
status = plugin.deregisterNode( footPrint::id );
if (!status)
return status;
// Deregister custom selection mask
return status;