C++ API Reference
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// File Name: geometryCacheBlockBase.h
// Description :
// A base interface for storing and outputing a cache block tag and data.
// Note that the Maya geometry cache file format is subject to change in
// future versions of Maya.
// Maya includes
#include <maya/MIffTag.h>
#include <maya/MString.h>
// Other includes
#include <iosfwd>
class geometryCacheBlockBase
// Constructor / Destructor methods
geometryCacheBlockBase( const MString& tag );
virtual ~geometryCacheBlockBase();
// Access to the data
const bool& isGroup();
const MString& tag();
// Outputs the data of this block to Ascii
virtual void outputToAscii( std::ostream& os );
// Data Members
MString blockTag; // The tag identifier of this block
bool group; // Indicates if this is a group block