C++ API Reference
#ifndef _gpuCacheIsectUtil_h_
#define _gpuCacheIsectUtil_h_
// Copyright 2015 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
// or hard copy form.
#include <maya/MPoint.h>
#include <maya/MVector.h>
#include <maya/MBoundingBox.h>
namespace GPUCache {
class gpuCacheIsectUtil
static int intersectRayWithBox(
MPoint minPoint,
MPoint maxPoint,
const MPoint& rayOrigin,
const MVector& rayDirection,
double isectParams[2]
static bool firstRayIntersection(
MPoint bboxMin,
MPoint bboxMax,
const MPoint& rayOrigin,
const MVector& rayDirection,
double* isectParam,
MPoint * isectPoint
static bool intersectPlane(
const MPoint &planePoint, const MVector &planeNormal,
const MPoint& rayPoint, const MVector &rayDirection, double &t);
static bool getClosestPointOnTri(
const MPoint &toThisPoint,
const MPoint &pt1, const MPoint &pt2, const MPoint &pt3,
MPoint &theClosestPoint, double &currDist);
static double getClosestPointOnBox(const MPoint& point, const MBoundingBox& bbox, MPoint& closestPoint);
static double getEdgeSnapPointOnBox(const MPoint& raySource, const MVector& rayDirection, const MBoundingBox& bbox, MPoint& snapPoint);
static double getEdgeSnapPointOnTriangle(const MPoint& raySource, const MVector& rayDirection, const MPoint& vert1, const MPoint& vert2, const MPoint& vert3, MPoint& snapPoint);
static double getClosestPointOnLine(const MPoint& queryPoint, const MPoint& pt1, const MPoint& pt2, MPoint& closestPoint);
static void getClosestPointToRayOnLine(const MPoint& vert1, const MPoint& vert2, const MPoint& raySource, const MVector& rayDirection, MPoint& closestPoint, double& percent);