C++ API Reference
#ifndef _AwMatrix
#define _AwMatrix
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// Copyright 1995,2006,2008 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
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// ==========================================================================
// CLASS: AwMatrix
// *****************************************************************************
// This class is a standard 4x4 double matrix. Simple operations
// such as multiplication, inversion and transposition are supported.
// An indexing function is supplied, but if required, users can
// access the matrix elements directly.
// *****************************************************************************
#include <AwMath.h>
#define kMatrixEquivalentTolerance kDoubleEpsilon
class AwPoint;
class AwVector;
class AwMatrix {
AwMatrix(const AwMatrix &src);
AwMatrix(const MMatrix &src);
AwMatrix &operator=(const AwMatrix &rhs);
double *operator[](unsigned i);
const double *operator[](unsigned i) const;
double &operator()(short i, short j);
const double &operator()(short i, short j) const;
AwMatrix operator*(const AwMatrix &right) const;
AwMatrix operator*(double) const;
bool operator==(const AwMatrix &otherM) const;
bool operator!=(const AwMatrix &otherM) const;
bool isEquivalent(const AwMatrix &otherM,
double tolerance = kMatrixEquivalentTolerance) const;
AwMatrix &setToIdentity();
AwMatrix inverse() const;
AwMatrix &invertIt();
AwMatrix transpose() const;
AwMatrix &transposeIt();
double det3x3() const;
double det4x4() const;
bool isOrthogonal() const;
friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const AwMatrix &);
static const AwMatrix identity; // The multiplicative identity.
double matrix[4][4]; // [row][column]
// Inline methods
inline AwMatrix::AwMatrix()
matrix[0][1] = matrix[0][2] = matrix[0][3] =
matrix[1][0] = matrix[1][2] = matrix[1][3] =
matrix[2][0] = matrix[2][1] = matrix[2][3] =
matrix[3][0] = matrix[3][1] = matrix[3][2] = 0.0;
matrix[0][0] = matrix[1][1] = matrix[2][2] = matrix[3][3] = 1.0;
inline AwMatrix &AwMatrix::operator=(const AwMatrix &rhs)
matrix[0][0] = rhs.matrix[0][0]; matrix[0][1] = rhs.matrix[0][1];
matrix[0][2] = rhs.matrix[0][2]; matrix[0][3] = rhs.matrix[0][3];
matrix[1][0] = rhs.matrix[1][0]; matrix[1][1] = rhs.matrix[1][1];
matrix[1][2] = rhs.matrix[1][2]; matrix[1][3] = rhs.matrix[1][3];
matrix[2][0] = rhs.matrix[2][0]; matrix[2][1] = rhs.matrix[2][1];
matrix[2][2] = rhs.matrix[2][2]; matrix[2][3] = rhs.matrix[2][3];
matrix[3][0] = rhs.matrix[3][0]; matrix[3][1] = rhs.matrix[3][1];
matrix[3][2] = rhs.matrix[3][2]; matrix[3][3] = rhs.matrix[3][3];
return *this;
inline AwMatrix::AwMatrix(const AwMatrix &src)
{ *this = src; }
inline AwMatrix::AwMatrix(const MMatrix &src)
matrix[0][0] = src.matrix[0][0]; matrix[0][1] = src.matrix[0][1];
matrix[0][2] = src.matrix[0][2]; matrix[0][3] = src.matrix[0][3];
matrix[1][0] = src.matrix[1][0]; matrix[1][1] = src.matrix[1][1];
matrix[1][2] = src.matrix[1][2]; matrix[1][3] = src.matrix[1][3];
matrix[2][0] = src.matrix[2][0]; matrix[2][1] = src.matrix[2][1];
matrix[2][2] = src.matrix[2][2]; matrix[2][3] = src.matrix[2][3];
matrix[3][0] = src.matrix[3][0]; matrix[3][1] = src.matrix[3][1];
matrix[3][2] = src.matrix[3][2]; matrix[3][3] = src.matrix[3][3];
inline AwMatrix::~AwMatrix()
inline double *AwMatrix::operator[](unsigned i)
{ return &matrix[i][0]; }
inline const double *AwMatrix::operator[](unsigned i) const
{ return &matrix[i][0]; }
inline double & AwMatrix::operator()(short i, short j)
{ return matrix[i][j]; }
inline const double& AwMatrix::operator()(short i, short j) const
{ return matrix[i][j]; }
inline AwMatrix AwMatrix::inverse() const
{ AwMatrix temp(*this); temp.invertIt(); return temp; }
inline AwMatrix AwMatrix::transpose() const
{ AwMatrix temp(*this); temp.transposeIt(); return temp; }
inline bool AwMatrix::operator!=(const AwMatrix &otherM) const
{ return !( (*this) == otherM ); }
#endif /* _AwMatrix */