C++ API Reference
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// Copyright 2016 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
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// ik2Bsolver: IK 2 Bone Solver
// This IK solver solves for 2 bones with
// rotate plane capability.
// To create the solver, load the plugin, and then type
// the following in the command window:
// createNode -n ik2Bsolver ik2Bsolver;
// To use the solver, create two bones using the Joint Tool.
// Then either use the IK Handle Tool,
// or type the following in the command window:
// ikHandle -sol ik2Bsolver -sj joint1 -ee joint3;
// Moving the handle will cause the IK solver to solve.
// For convenience, the command "addIK2BsolverCallbacks"
// will set up callbacks to recreate the ik2Bsolver after a
// File->New or File->Open, so that the solver will
// appear to be persistent.
#include <math.h>
#include <maya/MIOStream.h>
#include <maya/MFnPlugin.h>
#include <maya/MObject.h>
#include <maya/MDagPath.h>
#include <maya/MString.h>
#include <maya/MPoint.h>
#include <maya/MVector.h>
#include <maya/MMatrix.h>
#include <maya/MQuaternion.h>
#include <AwPoint.h>
#include <AwVector.h>
#include <AwMatrix.h>
#include <AwQuaternion.h>
#include <maya/MPxIkSolverNode.h>
#include <maya/MIkHandleGroup.h>
#include <maya/MFnIkHandle.h>
#include <maya/MFnIkEffector.h>
#include <maya/MFnIkJoint.h>
#include <maya/MArgList.h>
#include <maya/MPxCommand.h>
#include <maya/MGlobal.h>
#include <maya/MSceneMessage.h>
#include <maya/MSelectionList.h>
#define kSolverType "ik2Bsolver"
#define kPi 3.14159265358979323846264338327950
#define kEpsilon 1.0e-5
#define absoluteValue(x) ((x) < 0 ? (-(x)) : (x))
// IK 2 Bone Solver Node
class ik2Bsolver : public MPxIkSolverNode {
ik2Bsolver ();
~ik2Bsolver () override;
void postConstructor () override;
MStatus doSolve () override;
MString solverTypeName () const override;
static void* creator();
static MStatus initialize();
static MTypeId id;
AwVector poleVectorFromHandle(const MDagPath &handlePath);
double twistFromHandle(const MDagPath &handlePath);
void solveIK(const AwPoint &startJointPos,
const AwPoint &midJointPos,
const AwPoint &effectorPos,
const AwPoint &handlePos,
const AwVector &poleVector,
double twistValue,
AwQuaternion &qStart,
AwQuaternion &qMid);
MTypeId ik2Bsolver::id(0x58000030);
ik2Bsolver::~ik2Bsolver() {}
void ik2Bsolver::postConstructor()
void* ik2Bsolver::creator()
return new ik2Bsolver;
MStatus ik2Bsolver::initialize()
return MS::kSuccess;
MString ik2Bsolver::solverTypeName() const
// This method returns the type name used to identify this solver.
return MString(kSolverType);
MStatus ik2Bsolver::doSolve()
// This is the doSolve method which calls solveIK.
MStatus stat;
// Handle Group
MIkHandleGroup * handle_group = handleGroup();
if (NULL == handle_group) {
return MS::kFailure;
// Handle
// For single chain types of solvers, get the 0th handle.
// Single chain solvers are solvers which act on one handle only,
// i.e. the handle group for a single chain solver
// has only one handle
MObject handle = handle_group->handle(0);
MDagPath handlePath;
MDagPath::getAPathTo(handle, handlePath);
MFnIkHandle handleFn(handlePath, &stat);
// Effector
MDagPath effectorPath;
MFnIkEffector effectorFn(effectorPath);
// Mid Joint
MFnIkJoint midJointFn(effectorPath);
// Start Joint
MDagPath startJointPath;
MFnIkJoint startJointFn(startJointPath);
// Preferred angles
double startJointPrefAngle[3];
double midJointPrefAngle[3];
// Set to preferred angles
AwPoint handlePos = handleFn.rotatePivot(MSpace::kWorld);
AwPoint effectorPos = effectorFn.rotatePivot(MSpace::kWorld);
AwPoint midJointPos = midJointFn.rotatePivot(MSpace::kWorld);
AwPoint startJointPos = startJointFn.rotatePivot(MSpace::kWorld);
AwVector poleVector = poleVectorFromHandle(handlePath);
poleVector *= handlePath.exclusiveMatrix();
double twistValue = twistFromHandle(handlePath);
AwQuaternion qStart, qMid;
midJointFn.rotateBy(qMid, MSpace::kWorld);
startJointFn.rotateBy(qStart, MSpace::kWorld);
return MS::kSuccess;
void solveIK(const AwPoint &startJointPos,
const AwPoint &midJointPos,
const AwPoint &effectorPos,
const AwPoint &handlePos,
const AwVector &poleVector,
double twistValue,
AwQuaternion &qStart,
AwQuaternion &qMid)
// This is method that actually computes the IK solution.
// vector from startJoint to midJoint
AwVector vector1 = midJointPos - startJointPos;
// vector from midJoint to effector
AwVector vector2 = effectorPos - midJointPos;
// vector from startJoint to handle
AwVector vectorH = handlePos - startJointPos;
// vector from startJoint to effector
AwVector vectorE = effectorPos - startJointPos;
// lengths of those vectors
double length1 = vector1.length();
double length2 = vector2.length();
double lengthH = vectorH.length();
// component of the vector1 orthogonal to the vectorE
AwVector vectorO =
vector1 - vectorE*((vector1*vectorE)/(vectorE*vectorE));
// calculate q12 which solves for the midJoint rotation
// angle between vector1 and vector2
double vectorAngle12 = vector1.angle(vector2);
// vector orthogonal to vector1 and 2
AwVector vectorCross12 = vector1^vector2;
double lengthHsquared = lengthH*lengthH;
// angle for arm extension
double cos_theta =
(lengthHsquared - length1*length1 - length2*length2)
if (cos_theta > 1)
cos_theta = 1;
else if (cos_theta < -1)
cos_theta = -1;
double theta = acos(cos_theta);
// quaternion for arm extension
AwQuaternion q12(theta - vectorAngle12, vectorCross12);
// calculate qEH which solves for effector rotating onto the handle
// vector2 with quaternion q12 applied
vector2 = vector2.rotateBy(q12);
// vectorE with quaternion q12 applied
vectorE = vector1 + vector2;
// quaternion for rotating the effector onto the handle
AwQuaternion qEH(vectorE, vectorH);
// calculate qNP which solves for the rotate plane
// vector1 with quaternion qEH applied
vector1 = vector1.rotateBy(qEH);
if (vector1.isParallel(vectorH))
// singular case, use orthogonal component instead
vector1 = vectorO.rotateBy(qEH);
// quaternion for rotate plane
AwQuaternion qNP;
if (!poleVector.isParallel(vectorH) && (lengthHsquared != 0)) {
// component of vector1 orthogonal to vectorH
AwVector vectorN =
vector1 - vectorH*((vector1*vectorH)/lengthHsquared);
// component of pole vector orthogonal to vectorH
AwVector vectorP =
poleVector - vectorH*((poleVector*vectorH)/lengthHsquared);
double dotNP = (vectorN*vectorP)/(vectorN.length()*vectorP.length());
if (absoluteValue(dotNP + 1.0) < kEpsilon) {
// singular case, rotate halfway around vectorH
AwQuaternion qNP1(kPi, vectorH);
qNP = qNP1;
else {
AwQuaternion qNP2(vectorN, vectorP);
qNP = qNP2;
// calculate qTwist which adds the twist
AwQuaternion qTwist(twistValue, vectorH);
// quaternion for the mid joint
qMid = q12;
// concatenate the quaternions for the start joint
qStart = qEH*qNP*qTwist;
AwVector ik2Bsolver::poleVectorFromHandle(const MDagPath &handlePath)
// This method returns the pole vector of the IK handle.
MStatus stat;
MFnIkHandle handleFn(handlePath, &stat);
MPlug pvxPlug = handleFn.findPlug("pvx", true);
MPlug pvyPlug = handleFn.findPlug("pvy", true);
MPlug pvzPlug = handleFn.findPlug("pvz", true);
double pvxValue, pvyValue, pvzValue;
AwVector poleVector(pvxValue, pvyValue, pvzValue);
return poleVector;
double ik2Bsolver::twistFromHandle(const MDagPath &handlePath)
// This method returns the twist of the IK handle.
MStatus stat;
MFnIkHandle handleFn(handlePath, &stat);
MPlug twistPlug = handleFn.findPlug("twist", true);
double twistValue;
return twistValue;
// IK 2 Bone Solver Callbacks
class addIK2BsolverCallbacks : public MPxCommand {
addIK2BsolverCallbacks() {};
MStatus doIt (const MArgList &) override;
static void* creator();
// callback IDs for the solver callbacks
static MCallbackId afterNewId;
static MCallbackId afterOpenId;
MCallbackId addIK2BsolverCallbacks::afterNewId;
MCallbackId addIK2BsolverCallbacks::afterOpenId;
void *addIK2BsolverCallbacks::creator()
return new addIK2BsolverCallbacks;
void createIK2BsolverAfterNew(void *clientData)
// This method creates the ik2Bsolver after a File->New.
MSelectionList selList;
MGlobal::executeCommand("createNode -n ik2Bsolver ik2Bsolver");
void createIK2BsolverAfterOpen(void *clientData)
// This method creates the ik2Bsolver after a File->Open
// if the ik2Bsolver does not exist in the loaded file.
MSelectionList selList;
MGlobal::getSelectionListByName("ik2Bsolver", selList);
if (selList.length() == 0) {
MGlobal::executeCommand("createNode -n ik2Bsolver ik2Bsolver");
MStatus addIK2BsolverCallbacks::doIt(const MArgList &args)
// This method adds the File->New and File->Open callbacks
// used to recreate the ik2Bsolver.
// Get the callback IDs so we can deregister them
// when the plug-in is unloaded.
return MS::kSuccess;
// Register the IK 2 Bone Solver and Callback Command
MStatus initializePlugin(MObject obj)
MStatus status;
MFnPlugin plugin(obj, PLUGIN_COMPANY, "2.5", "Any");
status = plugin.registerNode("ik2Bsolver",
if (!status) {
return status;
status = plugin.registerCommand("addIK2BsolverCallbacks",
if (!status) {
return status;
// Register post-load MEL proc
// Note: We make use of the MFnPlugin::registerUI() method which executes
// the given MEL procedures following the plugin load to execute our method.
// This method will ensure that the solver node is created on plugin load.
//status = plugin.registerUI("ik2Bsolver", "");
return status;
MStatus uninitializePlugin(MObject obj)
MStatus status;
MFnPlugin plugin(obj);
status = plugin.deregisterNode(ik2Bsolver::id);
if (!status) {
return status;
status = plugin.deregisterCommand("addIK2BsolverCallbacks");
if (!status) {
return status;
// Remove callbacks when plug-in is unloaded.
return status;