C++ API Reference
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// Copyright 2020 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
// or hard copy form.
// ==========================================================================
#include <maya/MPxTransform.h>
#include <maya/MPxTransformationMatrix.h>
#include <maya/MGlobal.h>
#include <maya/MFnNumericAttribute.h>
#include <maya/MTransformationMatrix.h>
#include <maya/MIOStream.h>
#include "rockingTransform2.h"
#include <math.h>
// Initialize our static class variables
MObject rockingTransform2Node::aRockInX;
MTypeId rockingTransform2Node::id(kRockingTransform2NodeID);
MTypeId rockingTransform2Matrix::id(kRockingTransform2MatrixID);
// Implementation of our custom transformation matrix
// Constructor for matrix
rockXValue = 0.0;
// Creator for matrix
MPxTransformationMatrix *rockingTransform2Matrix::creator()
return new rockingTransform2Matrix();
// Utility method for getting the rock
// motion in the X axis
double rockingTransform2Matrix::getRockInX() const
return rockXValue;
// Utility method for setting the rcok
// motion in the X axis
void rockingTransform2Matrix::setRockInX( double rock )
rockXValue = rock;
// This method will be used to return information to
// Maya. Use the attributes which are outside of
// the regular transform attributes to build a new
// matrix. This new matrix will be passed back to
// Maya.
MMatrix rockingTransform2Matrix::asMatrix() const
// Get the current transform matrix
MMatrix m = ParentClass::asMatrix();
// Initialize the new matrix we will calculate
// Find the current rotation as a quaternion
MQuaternion quat = rotation();
// Convert the rocking value in degrees to radians
DegreeRadianConverter conv;
double newTheta = conv.degreesToRadians( getRockInX() );
quat.setToXAxis( newTheta );
// Apply the rocking rotation to the existing rotation
tm.addRotationQuaternion( quat.x, quat.y, quat.z, quat.w, MSpace::kTransform );
// Let Maya know what the matrix should be
return tm.asMatrix();
MMatrix rockingTransform2Matrix::asMatrix(double percent) const
// Apply the percentage to the matrix components
MVector trans = m.translation();
trans *= percent;
m.translateTo( trans );
MPoint rotatePivotTrans = m.rotatePivot();
rotatePivotTrans = rotatePivotTrans * percent;
m.setRotatePivot( rotatePivotTrans );
MPoint scalePivotTrans = m.scalePivotTranslation();
scalePivotTrans = scalePivotTrans * percent;
m.setScalePivotTranslation( scalePivotTrans );
// Apply the percentage to the rotate value. Same
// as above + the percentage gets applied
MQuaternion quat = rotation();
DegreeRadianConverter conv;
double newTheta = conv.degreesToRadians( getRockInX() );
quat.setToXAxis( newTheta );
m.rotateBy( quat );
MEulerRotation eulRotate = m.eulerRotation();
m.rotateTo( eulRotate * percent, MSpace::kTransform);
// Apply the percentage to the scale
s.x = 1.0 + (s.x - 1.0)*percent;
s.y = 1.0 + (s.y - 1.0)*percent;
s.z = 1.0 + (s.z - 1.0)*percent;
m.scaleTo(s, MSpace::kTransform);
return m.asMatrix();
MMatrix rockingTransform2Matrix::asRotateMatrix() const
// To be implemented
return ParentClass::asRotateMatrix();
// Implementation of our custom transform
// Constructor of the transform node
: ParentClass()
rockXValue = 0.0;
// Post constructor method. Have access to *this. Node setup
// operations that do not go into the initialize() method should go
// here.
void rockingTransform2Node::postConstructor()
// Make sure the parent takes care of anything it needs.
MPlug aRockInXPlug(thisMObject(), aRockInX);
// Destructor of the rocking transform
// Method that returns the new transformation matrix
MPxTransformationMatrix *rockingTransform2Node::createTransformationMatrix()
return new rockingTransform2Matrix();
// Method that returns a new transform node
void *rockingTransform2Node::creator()
return new rockingTransform2Node();
// Node initialize method. We configure node
// attributes here. Static method so
// *this is not available.
MStatus rockingTransform2Node::initialize()
aRockInX = numFn.create("RockInX", "rockx", MFnNumericData::kDouble, 0.0);
// This is required so that the validateAndSet method is called
return MS::kSuccess;
// Debugging method
const char* rockingTransform2Node::className()
return "rockingTransform2Node";
// Reset transformation
void rockingTransform2Node::resetTransformation (const MMatrix &matrix)
ParentClass::resetTransformation( matrix );
// Reset transformation
void rockingTransform2Node::resetTransformation (MPxTransformationMatrix *resetMatrix )
ParentClass::resetTransformation( resetMatrix );
// A very simple implementation of validAndSetValue(). No lock
// or limit checking on the rocking attribute is done in this method.
// If you wish to apply locks and limits to the rocking attribute, you
// would follow the approach taken in the rockingTransformCheck example.
// Meaning you would implement methods similar to:
// * applyRotationLocks();
// * applyRotationLimits();
// * checkAndSetRotation();
// but for the rocking attribute. The method checkAndSetRotation()
// would be called below rather than updating the rocking attribute
// directly.
MStatus rockingTransform2Node::validateAndSetValue(const MPlug& plug, const MDataHandle& handle)
MStatus status = MS::kSuccess;
// Make sure that there is something interesting to process.
if (plug.isNull())
return MS::kFailure;
MDataBlock block = forceCache();
MDataHandle blockHandle = block.outputValue(plug, &status);
if ( plug == aRockInX )
// Update our new rock in x value
double rockInX = handle.asDouble();
rockXValue = rockInX;
// Update the custom transformation matrix to the
// right rock value.
rockingTransform2Matrix *ltm = getRockingTransformMatrix();
if (ltm)
// Mark the matrix as dirty so that DG information
// will update.
// Allow processing for other attributes
return ParentClass::validateAndSetValue(plug, handle);
// Method for returning the current rocking transformation matrix
rockingTransform2Matrix *rockingTransform2Node::getRockingTransformMatrix()
rockingTransform2Matrix *ltm = (rockingTransform2Matrix *) transformationMatrixPtr();
return ltm;
// Utility class
double DegreeRadianConverter::degreesToRadians( double degrees )
return degrees * ( M_PI/ 180.0 );
double DegreeRadianConverter::radiansToDegrees( double radians )
return radians * (180.0/M_PI);