C++ API Reference
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#ifndef _polyModifierFty
#define _polyModifierFty
// File: polyModifierFty.h
// polyModifier Factory: polyModifierFty
// Author: Lonnie Li
// Overview:
// The polyModifierFty class is the main workhorse of the polyModifierCmd operation.
// It is here that the actual operation is implemented. The idea of the factory is
// to create a single implementation of the modifier that can be reused in more than
// one place.
// As such, the details of the factory are quite simple. Each factory contains a doIt()
// method which should be overridden. This is the method which will be called by the
// node and the command when a modifier is requested.
// How to use:
// 1) Create a factory derived from polyModifierFty
// 2) Add any input methods and members to the factory
// 3) Override the polyModifierFty::doIt() method
// (a) Retrieve the inputs from the class
// (b) Process the inputs
// (c) Perform the modifier
// General Includes
#include <maya/MStatus.h>
class polyModifierFty
virtual ~polyModifierFty();
// Pure virtual doIt()
virtual MStatus doIt() = 0;