C++ API Reference
#ifndef __NameFilter_h
#define __NameFilter_h
#include <maya/MPxCacheConfigRuleFilter.h>
#include <maya/MString.h>
// The NameFilter class is a cache configuration filter that looks at the
// dependency graph (DG) nodes relating to caching in order to match their
// name with a pattern.
// This filter requires a param string
// (newFilterParam from the cacheEvaluator command) formatted like so:
// "pattern,option"
// where
// pattern is the substring to search for in all the dependency nodes
// relating to the cache configuration
// option is optional. Can be one of the following string values:
// reverse: reverse logic match behavior: the filter will match on
// node names NOT containing the pattern
// It can be used to include or exclude nodes from caching modes based on
// their names when used with the cacheEvaluator command.
// Example:
// Use default evaluation cache configuration mode but exclude cones from
// the cache (Python):
// import maya.cmds as cmds
// cmds.loadPlugin( 'nameFilter.mll' )
// # Reset Rules
// cmds.cacheEvaluator(resetRules = True);
// # Add Eval Cache action/filter
// cmds.cacheEvaluator(newFilter = 'evaluationCacheNodes', newAction = 'enableEvaluationCache' )
// # Add Custom Filter
// cmds.cacheEvaluator(newFilter = 'NameFilter', newFilterParam = 'Cone', newAction = 'disableAllCache' )
// See also the OpenMaya API documentation for the MPxCacheConfigRuleFilter
// proxy class
class NameFilter : public MPxCacheConfigRuleFilter
NameFilter( bool reverseLogic, const MString &pattern );
bool isMatch(const MEvaluationNode& evalNode) override;
bool fReverseLogic;
MString fPattern;
// Creator function for the filter
MPxCacheConfigRuleFilter* NameFilterCreator(const MString &param);
#endif // __NameFilter_h