#include "onbShaderOverride.h"
#include <maya/MViewport2Renderer.h>
#include <maya/MFragmentManager.h>
const MString onbShaderOverride::sFinalFragmentGraphName(
return new onbShaderOverride(obj);
const MObject& obj)
: MPxSurfaceShadingNodeOverride(obj)
, fObject(obj)
MHWRender::DrawAPI onbShaderOverride::supportedDrawAPIs() const
MHWRender::kOpenGL |
MHWRender::kDirectX11 |
MString onbShaderOverride::fragmentName()
return sFinalFragmentGraphName;
MString onbShaderOverride::primaryColorParameter()
return "color";
MString onbShaderOverride::transparencyParameter()
return "transparency";
MString onbShaderOverride::bumpAttribute()
return "normalCamera";
MStatus onbShaderOverride::registerFragments()
if (!fragmentMgr) return MS::kFailure;
if (fragmentMgr->
return MS::kSuccess;
const char* fragmentBody = NULL;
fragmentName = "onbFloat3PassThrough";
fragmentBody =
"<fragment uiName=\"onbFloat3PassThrough\" name=\"onbFloat3PassThrough\" type=\"plumbing\" class=\"ShadeFragment\" version=\"1.0\"> \r\n"
" <description><![CDATA[Pass-through fragment for float3 type.]]></description> \r\n"
" <properties> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"input\" /> \r\n"
" </properties> \r\n"
" <values> \r\n"
" </values> \r\n"
" <outputs> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"output\" /> \r\n"
" </outputs> \r\n"
" <implementation> \r\n"
" <implementation render=\"OGSRenderer\" language=\"Cg\" lang_version=\"2.1\"> \r\n"
" <function_name val=\"onbFloat3PassThrough\" /> \r\n"
" <source><![CDATA[ \r\n"
"float3 onbFloat3PassThrough(float3 value) \r\n"
"{ \r\n"
" return value; \r\n"
"} \r\n"
" ]]></source> \r\n"
" </implementation> \r\n"
" <implementation render=\"OGSRenderer\" language=\"HLSL\" lang_version=\"11.0\"> \r\n"
" <function_name val=\"onbFloat3PassThrough\" /> \r\n"
" <source><![CDATA[ \r\n"
"float3 onbFloat3PassThrough(float3 value) \r\n"
"{ \r\n"
" return value; \r\n"
"} \r\n"
" ]]></source> \r\n"
" </implementation> \r\n"
" <implementation render=\"OGSRenderer\" language=\"GLSL\" lang_version=\"3.0\"> \r\n"
" <function_name val=\"onbFloat3PassThrough\" /> \r\n"
" <source><![CDATA[ \r\n"
"vec3 onbFloat3PassThrough(vec3 value) \r\n"
"{ \r\n"
" return value; \r\n"
"} \r\n"
" ]]></source> \r\n"
" </implementation> \r\n"
" </implementation> \r\n"
"</fragment> \r\n";
fragmentName = "onbShaderGeom";
fragmentBody =
"<fragment uiName=\"onbShaderGeom\" name=\"onbShaderGeom\" type=\"plumbing\" class=\"ShadeFragment\" version=\"1.0\"> \r\n"
" <description><![CDATA[Computes shader geometric components (dot products)]]></description> \r\n"
" <properties> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"Nw\" flags=\"varyingInputParam\" /> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"Lw\" /> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"HLw\" /> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"Vw\" flags=\"varyingInputParam\" /> \r\n"
" </properties> \r\n"
" <values> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"Lw\" value=\"0.0,0.0,0.0\" /> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"HLw\" value=\"0.0,0.0,0.0\" /> \r\n"
" </values> \r\n"
" <outputs> \r\n"
" <float4 name=\"onbShaderGeom\" /> \r\n"
" </outputs> \r\n"
" <implementation> \r\n"
" <implementation render=\"OGSRenderer\" language=\"Cg\" lang_version=\"2.1\"> \r\n"
" <function_name val=\"onbShaderGeom\" /> \r\n"
" <source><![CDATA[ \r\n"
"float4 onbShaderGeom( \r\n"
" float3 Nw, \r\n"
" float3 Lw, \r\n"
" float3 HLw, \r\n"
" float3 Vw) \r\n"
"{ \r\n"
" float3 Hw = normalize(HLw + Vw); \r\n"
" float NL = saturate(dot(Nw, Lw)); \r\n"
" float NV = saturate(dot(Nw, Vw)); \r\n"
" float NH = saturate(dot(Nw, Hw)); \r\n"
" float VH = dot(Vw, Hw); \r\n"
" return float4(NL, NV, NH, VH); \r\n"
"} \r\n"
" ]]></source> \r\n"
" </implementation> \r\n"
" <implementation render=\"OGSRenderer\" language=\"HLSL\" lang_version=\"11.0\"> \r\n"
" <function_name val=\"onbShaderGeom\" /> \r\n"
" <source><![CDATA[ \r\n"
"float4 onbShaderGeom( \r\n"
" float3 Nw, \r\n"
" float3 Lw, \r\n"
" float3 HLw, \r\n"
" float3 Vw) \r\n"
"{ \r\n"
" float3 Hw = normalize(HLw + Vw); \r\n"
" float NL = saturate(dot(Nw, Lw)); \r\n"
" float NV = saturate(dot(Nw, Vw)); \r\n"
" float NH = saturate(dot(Nw, Hw)); \r\n"
" float VH = dot(Vw, Hw); \r\n"
" return float4(NL, NV, NH, VH); \r\n"
"} \r\n"
" ]]></source> \r\n"
" </implementation> \r\n"
" <implementation render=\"OGSRenderer\" language=\"GLSL\" lang_version=\"3.0\"> \r\n"
" <function_name val=\"onbShaderGeom\" /> \r\n"
" <source><![CDATA[ \r\n"
"vec4 onbShaderGeom( \r\n"
" vec3 Nw, \r\n"
" vec3 Lw, \r\n"
" vec3 HLw, \r\n"
" vec3 Vw) \r\n"
"{ \r\n"
" vec3 Hw = normalize(HLw + Vw); \r\n"
" float NL = saturate(dot(Nw, Lw)); \r\n"
" float NV = saturate(dot(Nw, Vw)); \r\n"
" float NH = saturate(dot(Nw, Hw)); \r\n"
" float VH = dot(Vw, Hw); \r\n"
" return vec4(NL, NV, NH, VH); \r\n"
"} \r\n"
" ]]></source> \r\n"
" </implementation> \r\n"
" </implementation> \r\n"
"</fragment> \r\n";
fragmentName = "onbDiffuse";
fragmentBody =
"<fragment uiName=\"onbDiffuse\" name=\"onbDiffuse\" type=\"plumbing\" class=\"ShadeFragment\" version=\"1.0\"> \r\n"
" <description><![CDATA[Computes Oren-Nayar diffuse component]]></description> \r\n"
" <properties> \r\n"
" <float4 name=\"shaderGeomInput\" /> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"Nw\" flags=\"varyingInputParam\" /> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"Lw\" /> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"Vw\" flags=\"varyingInputParam\" /> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"diffuseI\" /> \r\n"
" <float name=\"roughness\" /> \r\n"
" </properties> \r\n"
" <values> \r\n"
" <float4 name=\"shaderGeomInput\" value=\"0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0\" /> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"Lw\" value=\"0.0,0.0,0.0\" /> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"diffuseI\" value=\"0.0,0.0,0.0\" /> \r\n"
" <float name=\"roughness\" value=\"0.3\" /> \r\n"
" </values> \r\n"
" <outputs> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"onbDiffuse\" /> \r\n"
" </outputs> \r\n"
" <implementation> \r\n"
" <implementation render=\"OGSRenderer\" language=\"Cg\" lang_version=\"2.1\"> \r\n"
" <function_name val=\"onbDiffuse\" /> \r\n"
" <source><![CDATA[ \r\n"
"float3 onbDiffuse( \r\n"
" float4 NL_NV_NH_VH, \r\n"
" float3 Nw, \r\n"
" float3 Lw, \r\n"
" float3 Vw, \r\n"
" float3 diffuseI, \r\n"
" float roughness) \r\n"
"{ \r\n"
" // GPU implementation of Oren-Nayar computation from: \r\n"
" // Engel, Wolfgang et al.: Programming Vertex, Geometry, and Pixel Shaders \r\n"
" // http://content.gpwiki.org/index.php/D3DBook:(Lighting)_Oren-Nayar \r\n"
" float acosNV = acos(NL_NV_NH_VH.y); \r\n"
" float acosNL = acos(NL_NV_NH_VH.x); \r\n"
" float alpha = max(acosNV, acosNL); \r\n"
" float beta = min(acosNV, acosNL); \r\n"
" float gamma = dot(Vw - Nw*NL_NV_NH_VH.y, Lw - Nw*NL_NV_NH_VH.x); \r\n"
" float roughnessSq = roughness*roughness; \r\n"
" float A = 1.0f - 0.5f*(roughnessSq/(roughnessSq + 0.57f)); \r\n"
" float B = 0.45f*(roughnessSq/(roughnessSq + 0.09f)); \r\n"
" float C = sin(alpha)*tan(beta); \r\n"
" float factor = max(0.0f, NL_NV_NH_VH.x)*(A + B*max(0.0f, gamma)*C); \r\n"
" return factor*diffuseI; \r\n"
"} \r\n"
" ]]></source> \r\n"
" </implementation> \r\n"
" <implementation render=\"OGSRenderer\" language=\"HLSL\" lang_version=\"11.0\"> \r\n"
" <function_name val=\"onbDiffuse\" /> \r\n"
" <source><![CDATA[ \r\n"
"float3 onbDiffuse( \r\n"
" float4 NL_NV_NH_VH, \r\n"
" float3 Nw, \r\n"
" float3 Lw, \r\n"
" float3 Vw, \r\n"
" float3 diffuseI, \r\n"
" float roughness) \r\n"
"{ \r\n"
" // GPU implementation of Oren-Nayar computation from: \r\n"
" // Engel, Wolfgang et al.: Programming Vertex, Geometry, and Pixel Shaders \r\n"
" // http://content.gpwiki.org/index.php/D3DBook:(Lighting)_Oren-Nayar \r\n"
" float acosNV = acos(NL_NV_NH_VH.y); \r\n"
" float acosNL = acos(NL_NV_NH_VH.x); \r\n"
" float alpha = max(acosNV, acosNL); \r\n"
" float beta = min(acosNV, acosNL); \r\n"
" float gamma = dot(Vw - Nw*NL_NV_NH_VH.y, Lw - Nw*NL_NV_NH_VH.x); \r\n"
" float roughnessSq = roughness*roughness; \r\n"
" float A = 1.0f - 0.5f*(roughnessSq/(roughnessSq + 0.57f)); \r\n"
" float B = 0.45f*(roughnessSq/(roughnessSq + 0.09f)); \r\n"
" float C = sin(alpha)*tan(beta); \r\n"
" float factor = max(0.0f, NL_NV_NH_VH.x)*(A + B*max(0.0f, gamma)*C); \r\n"
" return factor*diffuseI; \r\n"
"} \r\n"
" ]]></source> \r\n"
" </implementation> \r\n"
" <implementation render=\"OGSRenderer\" language=\"GLSL\" lang_version=\"3.0\"> \r\n"
" <function_name val=\"onbDiffuse\" /> \r\n"
" <source><![CDATA[ \r\n"
"vec3 onbDiffuse( \r\n"
" vec4 NL_NV_NH_VH, \r\n"
" vec3 Nw, \r\n"
" vec3 Lw, \r\n"
" vec3 Vw, \r\n"
" vec3 diffuseI, \r\n"
" float roughness) \r\n"
"{ \r\n"
" // GPU implementation of Oren-Nayar computation from: \r\n"
" // Engel, Wolfgang et al.: Programming Vertex, Geometry, and Pixel Shaders \r\n"
" // http://content.gpwiki.org/index.php/D3DBook:(Lighting)_Oren-Nayar \r\n"
" float acosNV = acos(NL_NV_NH_VH.y); \r\n"
" float acosNL = acos(NL_NV_NH_VH.x); \r\n"
" float alpha = max(acosNV, acosNL); \r\n"
" float beta = min(acosNV, acosNL); \r\n"
" float gamma = dot(Vw - Nw*NL_NV_NH_VH.y, Lw - Nw*NL_NV_NH_VH.x); \r\n"
" float roughnessSq = roughness*roughness; \r\n"
" float A = 1.0f - 0.5f*(roughnessSq/(roughnessSq + 0.57f)); \r\n"
" float B = 0.45f*(roughnessSq/(roughnessSq + 0.09f)); \r\n"
" float C = sin(alpha)*tan(beta); \r\n"
" float factor = max(0.0f, NL_NV_NH_VH.x)*(A + B*max(0.0f, gamma)*C); \r\n"
" return factor*diffuseI; \r\n"
"} \r\n"
" ]]></source> \r\n"
" </implementation> \r\n"
" </implementation> \r\n"
"</fragment> \r\n";
fragmentName = "onbSpecular";
fragmentBody =
"<fragment uiName=\"onbSpecular\" name=\"onbSpecular\" type=\"plumbing\" class=\"ShadeFragment\" version=\"1.0\"> \r\n"
" <description><![CDATA[Computes blinn specular component]]></description> \r\n"
" <properties> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"specularI\" /> \r\n"
" <float4 name=\"shaderGeomInput\" /> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"specularColor\" /> \r\n"
" <float name=\"eccentricity\" /> \r\n"
" <float name=\"specularRollOff\" /> \r\n"
" </properties> \r\n"
" <values> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"specularI\" value=\"0.0,0.0,0.0\" /> \r\n"
" <float4 name=\"shaderGeomInput\" value=\"0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0\" /> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"specularColor\" value=\"1.0,1.0,1.0\" /> \r\n"
" <float name=\"eccentricity\" value=\"0.1\" /> \r\n"
" <float name=\"specularRollOff\" value=\"0.7\" /> \r\n"
" </values> \r\n"
" <outputs> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"onbSpecular\" /> \r\n"
" </outputs> \r\n"
" <implementation> \r\n"
" <implementation render=\"OGSRenderer\" language=\"Cg\" lang_version=\"2.1\"> \r\n"
" <function_name val=\"onbSpecular\" /> \r\n"
" <source><![CDATA[ \r\n"
"float3 onbSpecular( \r\n"
" float3 specularI, \r\n"
" float4 NL_NV_NH_VH, \r\n"
" float3 specularColor, \r\n"
" float ecc, \r\n"
" float rolloff) \r\n"
"{ \r\n"
" const float eps = 0.00001f; \r\n"
" float ecc2 = ecc * ecc - 1.0f; \r\n"
" float NH = NL_NV_NH_VH.z; \r\n"
" float d = (ecc2 + 1.0f) / (1.0f + ecc2 * NH * NH); \r\n"
" d *= 2.0f * d * d; \r\n"
" float NL = NL_NV_NH_VH.x; \r\n"
" float NV = NL_NV_NH_VH.y; \r\n"
" float VH = NL_NV_NH_VH.w + eps; \r\n"
" NH *= 0.5f; \r\n"
" float g = saturate(min(NH*NV/VH, NH*NL/VH)); \r\n"
" float k = max((1.0f - NV), (1.0f - NL)); \r\n"
" k = k * k * k; \r\n"
" float f = k + (1.0f - k) * rolloff; \r\n"
" return specularI * saturate(d * f * g) * specularColor; \r\n"
"} \r\n"
" ]]></source> \r\n"
" </implementation> \r\n"
" <implementation render=\"OGSRenderer\" language=\"HLSL\" lang_version=\"11.0\"> \r\n"
" <function_name val=\"onbSpecular\" /> \r\n"
" <source><![CDATA[ \r\n"
"float3 onbSpecular( \r\n"
" float3 specularI, \r\n"
" float4 NL_NV_NH_VH, \r\n"
" float3 specularColor, \r\n"
" float ecc, \r\n"
" float rolloff) \r\n"
"{ \r\n"
" const float eps = 0.00001f; \r\n"
" float ecc2 = ecc * ecc - 1.0f; \r\n"
" float NH = NL_NV_NH_VH.z; \r\n"
" float d = (ecc2 + 1.0f) / (1.0f + ecc2 * NH * NH); \r\n"
" d *= 2.0f * d * d; \r\n"
" float NL = NL_NV_NH_VH.x; \r\n"
" float NV = NL_NV_NH_VH.y; \r\n"
" float VH = NL_NV_NH_VH.w + eps; \r\n"
" NH *= 0.5f; \r\n"
" float g = saturate(min(NH*NV/VH, NH*NL/VH)); \r\n"
" float k = max((1.0f - NV), (1.0f - NL)); \r\n"
" k = k * k * k; \r\n"
" float f = k + (1.0f - k) * rolloff; \r\n"
" return specularI * saturate(d * f * g) * specularColor; \r\n"
"} \r\n"
" ]]></source> \r\n"
" </implementation> \r\n"
" <implementation render=\"OGSRenderer\" language=\"GLSL\" lang_version=\"3.0\"> \r\n"
" <function_name val=\"onbSpecular\" /> \r\n"
" <source><![CDATA[ \r\n"
"vec3 onbSpecular( \r\n"
" vec3 specularI, \r\n"
" vec4 NL_NV_NH_VH, \r\n"
" vec3 specularColor, \r\n"
" float ecc, \r\n"
" float rolloff) \r\n"
"{ \r\n"
" const float eps = 0.00001f; \r\n"
" float ecc2 = ecc * ecc - 1.0f; \r\n"
" float NH = NL_NV_NH_VH.z; \r\n"
" float d = (ecc2 + 1.0f) / (1.0f + ecc2 * NH * NH); \r\n"
" d *= 2.0f * d * d; \r\n"
" float NL = NL_NV_NH_VH.x; \r\n"
" float NV = NL_NV_NH_VH.y; \r\n"
" float VH = NL_NV_NH_VH.w + eps; \r\n"
" NH *= 0.5f; \r\n"
" float g = saturate(min(NH*NV/VH, NH*NL/VH)); \r\n"
" float k = max((1.0f - NV), (1.0f - NL)); \r\n"
" k = k * k * k; \r\n"
" float f = k + (1.0f - k) * rolloff; \r\n"
" return specularI * saturate(d * f * g) * specularColor; \r\n"
"} \r\n"
" ]]></source> \r\n"
" </implementation> \r\n"
" </implementation> \r\n"
"</fragment> \r\n";
fragmentName = "onb16LightAccum";
fragmentBody =
"<fragment uiName=\"onb16LightAccum\" name=\"onb16LightAccum\" type=\"accum\" class=\"ShadeFragment\" version=\"1.0\"> \r\n"
" <description><![CDATA[Accumulates specular & diffuse irradiance for 16 lights]]></description> \r\n"
" <properties> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"scaledDiffuse\" /> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"scaledSpecular\" /> \r\n"
" <string name=\"selector\" /> \r\n"
" </properties> \r\n"
" <values> \r\n"
" <string name=\"selector\" value=\"mayaLightSelector16\" /> \r\n"
" </values> \r\n"
" <outputs> \r\n"
" <alias name=\"scaledDiffuse\" /> \r\n"
" <alias name=\"scaledSpecular\" /> \r\n"
" </outputs> \r\n"
" <implementation> \r\n"
" </implementation> \r\n"
"</fragment> \r\n";
fragmentName = "onbShaderOutput";
fragmentBody =
"<fragment uiName=\"onbShaderOutput\" name=\"onbShaderOutput\" type=\"structure\" class=\"ShadeFragment\" version=\"1.0\"> \r\n"
" <description><![CDATA[Struct output for onb shader]]></description> \r\n"
" <properties> \r\n"
" <struct name=\"onbShaderOutput\" struct_name=\"onbShaderOutput\" /> \r\n"
" </properties> \r\n"
" <values> \r\n"
" </values> \r\n"
" <outputs> \r\n"
" <alias name=\"onbShaderOutput\" struct_name=\"onbShaderOutput\" /> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"outColor\" /> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"outTransparency\" /> \r\n"
" <float4 name=\"outSurfaceFinal\" /> \r\n"
" </outputs> \r\n"
" <implementation> \r\n"
" <implementation render=\"OGSRenderer\" language=\"Cg\" lang_version=\"2.1\"> \r\n"
" <function_name val=\"\" /> \r\n"
" <declaration name=\"onbShaderOutput\"><![CDATA[ \r\n"
"struct onbShaderOutput \r\n"
"{ \r\n"
" float3 outColor; \r\n"
" float3 outTransparency; \r\n"
" float4 outSurfaceFinal; \r\n"
"}; \r\n"
" ]]></declaration> \r\n"
" </implementation> \r\n"
" <implementation render=\"OGSRenderer\" language=\"HLSL\" lang_version=\"11.0\"> \r\n"
" <function_name val=\"\" /> \r\n"
" <declaration name=\"onbShaderOutput\"><![CDATA[ \r\n"
"struct onbShaderOutput \r\n"
"{ \r\n"
" float3 outColor; \r\n"
" float3 outTransparency; \r\n"
" float4 outSurfaceFinal; \r\n"
"}; \r\n"
" ]]></declaration> \r\n"
" </implementation> \r\n"
" <implementation render=\"OGSRenderer\" language=\"GLSL\" lang_version=\"3.0\"> \r\n"
" <function_name val=\"\" /> \r\n"
" <declaration name=\"onbShaderOutput\"><![CDATA[ \r\n"
"struct onbShaderOutput \r\n"
"{ \r\n"
" vec3 outColor; \r\n"
" vec3 outTransparency; \r\n"
" vec4 outSurfaceFinal; \r\n"
"}; \r\n"
" ]]></declaration> \r\n"
" </implementation> \r\n"
" </implementation> \r\n"
"</fragment> \r\n";
fragmentName = "onbCombiner";
fragmentBody =
"<fragment uiName=\"onbCombiner\" name=\"onbCombiner\" type=\"plumbing\" class=\"ShadeFragment\" version=\"1.0\"> \r\n"
" <description><![CDATA[Combines ambient, diffuse, specular components additively]]></description> \r\n"
" <properties> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"diffuseIrradIn\" flags=\"constantParam\" /> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"specularIrradIn\" flags=\"constantParam\" /> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"color\" /> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"transparency\" /> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"ambientColor\" /> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"ambientIn\" /> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"incandescence\" /> \r\n"
" </properties> \r\n"
" <values> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"diffuseIrradIn\" value=\"0.0,0.0,0.0\" /> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"specularIrradIn\" value=\"0.0,0.0,0.0\" /> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"color\" value=\"0.5,0.5,0.5\" /> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"transparency\" value=\"0.0,0.0,0.0\" /> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"ambientColor\" value=\"0.0,0.0,0.0\" /> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"ambientIn\" value=\"0.0,0.0,0.0\" /> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"incandescence\" value=\"0.0,0.0,0.0\" /> \r\n"
" </values> \r\n"
" <outputs> \r\n"
" <struct name=\"onbCombiner\" struct_name=\"onbShaderOutput\" /> \r\n"
" </outputs> \r\n"
" <implementation> \r\n"
" <implementation render=\"OGSRenderer\" language=\"Cg\" lang_version=\"2.1\"> \r\n"
" <function_name val=\"onbCombiner\" /> \r\n"
" <source><![CDATA[ \r\n"
"onbShaderOutput onbCombiner( \r\n"
" float3 diffuseIrradIn, \r\n"
" float3 specularIrradIn, \r\n"
" float3 color, \r\n"
" float3 transparency, \r\n"
" float3 ambientColor, \r\n"
" float3 ambientIn, \r\n"
" float3 incandescence) \r\n"
"{ \r\n"
" onbShaderOutput result; \r\n"
" result.outColor = (ambientColor+ambientIn)*color; \r\n"
" result.outColor += diffuseIrradIn*color; \r\n"
" float3 opacity = saturate(1.0f - transparency); \r\n"
" result.outColor *= opacity; \r\n"
" result.outColor += specularIrradIn; \r\n"
" result.outColor += incandescence; \r\n"
" result.outTransparency = transparency; \r\n"
" const float3 intenseVec = float3(1.0f / 3.0f, 1.0f / 3.0f, 1.0f / 3.0f); \r\n"
" result.outSurfaceFinal = float4(result.outColor, dot(opacity, intenseVec)); \r\n"
" return result; \r\n"
"} \r\n"
" ]]></source> \r\n"
" </implementation> \r\n"
" <implementation render=\"OGSRenderer\" language=\"HLSL\" lang_version=\"11.0\"> \r\n"
" <function_name val=\"onbCombiner\" /> \r\n"
" <source><![CDATA[ \r\n"
"onbShaderOutput onbCombiner( \r\n"
" float3 diffuseIrradIn, \r\n"
" float3 specularIrradIn, \r\n"
" float3 color, \r\n"
" float3 transparency, \r\n"
" float3 ambientColor, \r\n"
" float3 ambientIn, \r\n"
" float3 incandescence) \r\n"
"{ \r\n"
" onbShaderOutput result; \r\n"
" result.outColor = (ambientColor+ambientIn)*color; \r\n"
" result.outColor += diffuseIrradIn*color; \r\n"
" float3 opacity = saturate(1.0f - transparency); \r\n"
" result.outColor *= opacity; \r\n"
" result.outColor += specularIrradIn; \r\n"
" result.outColor += incandescence; \r\n"
" result.outTransparency = transparency; \r\n"
" const float3 intenseVec = float3(1.0f / 3.0f, 1.0f / 3.0f, 1.0f / 3.0f); \r\n"
" result.outSurfaceFinal = float4(result.outColor, dot(opacity, intenseVec)); \r\n"
" return result; \r\n"
"} \r\n"
" ]]></source> \r\n"
" </implementation> \r\n"
" <implementation render=\"OGSRenderer\" language=\"GLSL\" lang_version=\"3.0\"> \r\n"
" <function_name val=\"onbCombiner\" /> \r\n"
" <source><![CDATA[ \r\n"
"onbShaderOutput onbCombiner( \r\n"
" vec3 diffuseIrradIn, \r\n"
" vec3 specularIrradIn, \r\n"
" vec3 color, \r\n"
" vec3 transparency, \r\n"
" vec3 ambientColor, \r\n"
" vec3 ambientIn, \r\n"
" vec3 incandescence) \r\n"
"{ \r\n"
" onbShaderOutput result; \r\n"
" result.outColor = (ambientColor+ambientIn)*color; \r\n"
" result.outColor += diffuseIrradIn*color; \r\n"
" vec3 opacity = saturate(1.0f - transparency); \r\n"
" result.outColor *= opacity; \r\n"
" result.outColor += specularIrradIn; \r\n"
" result.outColor += incandescence; \r\n"
" result.outTransparency = transparency; \r\n"
" const vec3 intenseVec = vec3(0.3333, 0.3333, 0.3333); \r\n"
" result.outSurfaceFinal = vec4(result.outColor, dot(opacity, intenseVec)); \r\n"
" return result; \r\n"
"} \r\n"
" ]]></source> \r\n"
" </implementation> \r\n"
" </implementation> \r\n"
"</fragment> \r\n";
fragmentName = sFinalFragmentGraphName;
fragmentBody =
"<fragment_graph name=\"onbShaderSurface\" ref=\"onbShaderSurface\" class=\"FragmentGraph\" version=\"1.0\"> \r\n"
" <fragments> \r\n"
" <fragment_ref name=\"nwPassThrough\" ref=\"onbFloat3PassThrough\" /> \r\n"
" <fragment_ref name=\"vwPassThrough\" ref=\"onbFloat3PassThrough\" /> \r\n"
" <fragment_ref name=\"lwPassThrough\" ref=\"onbFloat3PassThrough\" /> \r\n"
" <fragment_ref name=\"onbShaderGeom\" ref=\"onbShaderGeom\" /> \r\n"
" <fragment_ref name=\"onbDiffuse\" ref=\"onbDiffuse\" /> \r\n"
" <fragment_ref name=\"onbSpecular\" ref=\"onbSpecular\" /> \r\n"
" <fragment_ref name=\"onb16LightAccum\" ref=\"onb16LightAccum\" /> \r\n"
" <fragment_ref name=\"onbCombiner\" ref=\"onbCombiner\" /> \r\n"
" <fragment_ref name=\"onbShaderOutput\" ref=\"onbShaderOutput\" /> \r\n"
" </fragments> \r\n"
" <connections> \r\n"
" <connect from=\"nwPassThrough.output\" to=\"onbDiffuse.Nw\" name=\"Nw\" /> \r\n"
" <connect from=\"vwPassThrough.output\" to=\"onbDiffuse.Vw\" name=\"Vw\" /> \r\n"
" <connect from=\"lwPassThrough.output\" to=\"onbDiffuse.Lw\" name=\"Lw\" /> \r\n"
" <connect from=\"nwPassThrough.output\" to=\"onbShaderGeom.Nw\" name=\"Nw\" /> \r\n"
" <connect from=\"vwPassThrough.output\" to=\"onbShaderGeom.Vw\" name=\"Vw\" /> \r\n"
" <connect from=\"lwPassThrough.output\" to=\"onbShaderGeom.Lw\" name=\"Lw\" /> \r\n"
" <connect from=\"onbShaderGeom.onbShaderGeom\" to=\"onbDiffuse.shaderGeomInput\" name=\"shaderGeomInput\" /> \r\n"
" <connect from=\"onbShaderGeom.onbShaderGeom\" to=\"onbSpecular.shaderGeomInput\" name=\"shaderGeomInput\" /> \r\n"
" <connect from=\"onbDiffuse.onbDiffuse\" to=\"onb16LightAccum.scaledDiffuse\" name=\"scaledDiffuse\" /> \r\n"
" <connect from=\"onbSpecular.onbSpecular\" to=\"onb16LightAccum.scaledSpecular\" name=\"scaledSpecular\" /> \r\n"
" <connect from=\"onb16LightAccum.scaledDiffuse\" to=\"onbCombiner.diffuseIrradIn\" name=\"diffuseIrradIn\" /> \r\n"
" <connect from=\"onb16LightAccum.scaledSpecular\" to=\"onbCombiner.specularIrradIn\" name=\"specularIrradIn\" /> \r\n"
" <connect from=\"onbCombiner.onbCombiner\" to=\"onbShaderOutput.onbShaderOutput\" name=\"onbShaderOutput\" /> \r\n"
" </connections> \r\n"
" <properties> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"Nw\" ref=\"nwPassThrough.input\" semantic=\"Nw\" flags=\"varyingInputParam\" /> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"Vw\" ref=\"vwPassThrough.input\" semantic=\"Vw\" flags=\"varyingInputParam\" /> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"Lw\" ref=\"lwPassThrough.input\" /> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"HLw\" ref=\"onbShaderGeom.HLw\" /> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"diffuseI\" ref=\"onbDiffuse.diffuseI\" /> \r\n"
" <float name=\"roughness\" ref=\"onbDiffuse.roughness\" /> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"specularI\" ref=\"onbSpecular.specularI\" /> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"specularColor\" ref=\"onbSpecular.specularColor\" /> \r\n"
" <float name=\"eccentricity\" ref=\"onbSpecular.eccentricity\" /> \r\n"
" <float name=\"specularRollOff\" ref=\"onbSpecular.specularRollOff\" /> \r\n"
" <string name=\"selector\" ref=\"onb16LightAccum.selector\" /> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"color\" ref=\"onbCombiner.color\" /> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"transparency\" ref=\"onbCombiner.transparency\" /> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"ambientColor\" ref=\"onbCombiner.ambientColor\" /> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"ambientIn\" ref=\"onbCombiner.ambientIn\" /> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"incandescence\" ref=\"onbCombiner.incandescence\" /> \r\n"
" </properties> \r\n"
" <values> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"Lw\" value=\"0.0,0.0,0.0\" /> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"HLw\" value=\"0.0,0.0,0.0\" /> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"diffuseI\" value=\"0.0,0.0,0.0\" /> \r\n"
" <float name=\"roughness\" value=\"0.3\" /> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"specularI\" value=\"0.0,0.0,0.0\" /> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"specularColor\" value=\"1.0,1.0,1.0\" /> \r\n"
" <float name=\"eccentricity\" value=\"0.1\" /> \r\n"
" <float name=\"specularRollOff\" value=\"0.7\" /> \r\n"
" <string name=\"selector\" value=\"mayaLightSelector16\" /> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"color\" value=\"0.5,0.5,0.5\" /> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"transparency\" value=\"0.0,0.0,0.0\" /> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"ambientColor\" value=\"0.0,0.0,0.0\" /> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"ambientIn\" value=\"0.0,0.0,0.0\" /> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"incandescence\" value=\"0.0,0.0,0.0\" /> \r\n"
" </values> \r\n"
" <outputs> \r\n"
" <struct name=\"onbShaderOutput\" ref=\"onbShaderOutput.onbShaderOutput\" /> \r\n"
" </outputs> \r\n"
"</fragment_graph> \r\n";
return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus onbShaderOverride::deregisterFragments()
if (!fragmentMgr) return MS::kFailure;
if (!fragmentMgr->
return MS::kFailure;
if (!fragmentMgr->
return MS::kFailure;
if (!fragmentMgr->
return MS::kFailure;
if (!fragmentMgr->
return MS::kFailure;
if (!fragmentMgr->
return MS::kFailure;
return MS::kSuccess;