C++ API Reference
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// Class: particleAttrNode
// Author: Lonnie Li
// Description:
// particleAttrNode is an example node that extends the MPxParticleAttributeMapperNode
// type. These nodes allow us to define custom nodes to map per-particle attribute data
// to a particle shape.
// In this particular example, we have defined two operations:
// - compute2DTexture()
// - computeMesh()
// compute2DTexture() replicates the internal behaviour of Maya's internal 'arrayMapper'
// node at the API level. Given an input texture node and a U/V coord per particle input,
// this node will evaluate the texture at the given coordinates and map the result back
// to the outColorPP or outValuePP attributes. See the method description for compute2DTexture()
// for details on how to setup a proper attribute mapping graph.
// computeMesh() is a user-defined behaviour. It is called when the 'computeNode' attribute
// is connected to a polygonal mesh. From there, given a particle count, it will map the
// object space vertex positions of the mesh to a user-defined 'outPositions' vector attribute.
// This 'outPositions' attribute can then be connected to a vector typed, per-particle attribute
// on the shape to drive. In our particular example we drive the particle shape's 'rampPosition'
// attribute. For further details, see the method description for computeMesh() to setup
// this example.
#include <maya/MPxParticleAttributeMapperNode.h>
#include <maya/MTypeId.h>
class particleAttrNode : public MPxParticleAttributeMapperNode
~particleAttrNode() override;
static void* creator();
static MStatus initialize();
MStatus compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& block ) override;
MStatus compute2DTexture( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& block );
MStatus computeMesh( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& block );
static MTypeId id;
static MObject outPositionPP;
static MObject particleCount;