C++ API Reference
// ===========================================================================
// Copyright 2016 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license
// agreement provided at the time of installation or download, or which
// otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
// ===========================================================================
#include <workspaceControlCmd.h>
#include <QtWidgets/QVBoxLayout>
#include <QtWidgets/QLabel>
#include <maya/MArgParser.h>
#include <maya/MFnPlugin.h>
#include <maya/MGlobal.h>
#include <maya/MObject.h>
#include <maya/MQtUtil.h>
#include <maya/MSyntax.h>
#define kReloadFlag "-rl"
#define kReloadFlagLong "-reload"
// ==========================================================================
// WorkspaceControlCmd class
// ==========================================================================
// We store a pointer to the workspace control in a static QPointer so that we
// can close (and thus delete) it if the plugin is unloaded. The QPointer will
// automatically set itself to zero if the workspace control is closed on its own.
QPointer<QWidget> WorkspaceControlCmd::workspaceControl;
const MString WorkspaceControlCmd::commandName("workspaceControlWindow");
// Close the workspace control, if it still exists.
void WorkspaceControlCmd::cleanup()
if (!workspaceControl.isNull()) {
MString closeCommand("workspaceControl -e -close customWorkspaceControl");
bool WorkspaceControlCmd::hasSyntax()
return true;
MSyntax WorkspaceControlCmd::newSyntax()
MSyntax syntax;
syntax.addFlag( kReloadFlag, kReloadFlagLong );
return syntax;
MStatus WorkspaceControlCmd::doIt(const MArgList& args)
if(!workspaceControl.isNull()) {
// Call -restore on existing workspace control to make it visible from whatever previous state it was in
MString restoreCommand("workspaceControl -e -restore customWorkspaceControl");
} else {
MArgParser argParser( syntax(), args );
bool doReload = argParser.isFlagSet( kReloadFlag );
// If we're reloading a workspace, the workspace control should already be created
if (!doReload) {
MGlobal::executeCommand("workspaceControl -label \"Custom Workspace Control\" -retain false -deleteLater false -loadImmediately true -floating true -initialWidth 400 -initialHeight 200 -requiredPlugin \"workspaceControlCmd\" customWorkspaceControl");
// Create custom UI
workspaceControl = MQtUtil::getCurrentParent();
QWidget *uiWidget = new QWidget();
QVBoxLayout *uiLayout = new QVBoxLayout();
QLabel *uiLabel = new QLabel("Hello World!");
// Add UI as a child of the workspace control
MQtUtil::addWidgetToMayaLayout(uiWidget, workspaceControl);
// Set the -uiScript (used to rebuild UI when reloading workspace) after creation so that it doesn't get executed
if (!doReload) {
MString uiScriptCommand("workspaceControl -e -uiScript \"workspaceControlWindow -reload\" customWorkspaceControl");
return MS::kSuccess;
// ==========================================================================
// Plugin load/unload
// ==========================================================================
MStatus initializePlugin(MObject plugin)
MStatus st;
MFnPlugin pluginFn(plugin, "Autodesk, Inc.", "1.0", "Any", &st);
if (!st) {
MString("workspaceControlCmd - could not initialize plugin: ")
+ st.errorString()
return st;
// Register the command.
st = pluginFn.registerCommand(WorkspaceControlCmd::commandName, WorkspaceControlCmd::creator, WorkspaceControlCmd::newSyntax);
if (!st) {
MString("workspaceControlCmd - could not register '")
+ WorkspaceControlCmd::commandName + "' command: "
+ st.errorString()
return st;
return st;
MStatus uninitializePlugin(MObject plugin)
MStatus st;
MFnPlugin pluginFn(plugin, "Autodesk, Inc.", "1.0", "Any", &st);
if (!st) {
MString("workspaceControlCmd - could not uninitialize plugin: ")
+ st.errorString()
return st;
// Make sure that there is no UI left hanging around.
// Deregister the command.
st = pluginFn.deregisterCommand(WorkspaceControlCmd::commandName);
if (!st) {
MString("workspaceControlCmd - could not deregister '")
+ WorkspaceControlCmd::commandName + "' command: "
+ st.errorString()
return st;
return st;