Python API 2.0 Reference
1 from __future__ import division
2 #-
3 # ===========================================================================
4 # Copyright 2020 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
5 #
6 # Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license
7 # agreement provided at the time of installation or download, or which
8 # otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
9 # ===========================================================================
10 #+
12 import sys
13 from string import *
14 import maya.api.OpenMaya as om
15 import maya.api.OpenMayaRender as omr
16 import textwrap
18 # Produces dependency graph node DepthShader
19 # This node is an example of a surface shader that colors objects based on the distance from the camera.
20 # The inputs for this node are can be found in the Maya UI on the Attribute Editor for the node.
21 # The output attribute of the node is called "outColor". It is a 3 float value that represents the resulting color produced by the node.
22 # To use this shader, create a DepthShader with Shading Group or connect its output to a Shading Group's "SurfaceShader" attribute.
25 def maya_useNewAPI():
26  """
27  The presence of this function tells Maya that the plugin produces, and
28  expects to be passed, objects created using the Maya Python API 2.0.
29  """
30  pass
32 ##################################################################
33 ## Plugin Depth Shader Class Declaration
34 ##################################################################
35 class depthShader(om.MPxNode):
36  # Id tag for use with binary file format
37  id = om.MTypeId( 0x81164 )
39  # Input attributes
40  aColorNear = None
41  aColorFar = None
42  aNear = None
43  aFar = None
44  aPointCamera = None
46  # Output attributes
47  aOutColor = None
49  @staticmethod
50  def creator():
51  return depthShader()
53  @staticmethod
54  def initialize():
55  nAttr = om.MFnNumericAttribute()
57  # Create input attributes
59  depthShader.aColorNear = nAttr.createColor("color", "c")
60  nAttr.keyable = True
61  nAttr.storable = True
62  nAttr.readable = True
63  nAttr.writable = True
64  nAttr.default = (0.0, 1.0, 0.0) # Green
67  depthShader.aColorFar = nAttr.createColor("colorFar", "cf")
68  nAttr.keyable = True
69  nAttr.storable = True
70  nAttr.readable = True
71  nAttr.writable = True
72  nAttr.default = (0.0, 0.0, 1.0) # Blue
74  depthShader.aNear = nAttr.create("near", "n", om.MFnNumericData.kFloat)
75  nAttr.keyable = True
76  nAttr.storable = True
77  nAttr.readable = True
78  nAttr.writable = True
79  nAttr.setMin(0.0)
80  nAttr.setSoftMax(1000.0)
82  depthShader.aFar = nAttr.create("far", "f", om.MFnNumericData.kFloat)
83  nAttr.keyable = True
84  nAttr.storable = True
85  nAttr.readable = True
86  nAttr.writable = True
87  nAttr.setMin(0.0)
88  nAttr.setSoftMax(1000.0)
89  nAttr.default = 2.0
91  depthShader.aPointCamera = nAttr.createPoint("pointCamera", "p")
92  nAttr.keyable = True
93  nAttr.storable = True
94  nAttr.readable = True
95  nAttr.writable = True
96  nAttr.hidden = True
98  # Create output attributes
99  depthShader.aOutColor = nAttr.createColor("outColor", "oc")
100  nAttr.keyable = False
101  nAttr.storable = False
102  nAttr.readable = True
103  nAttr.writable = False
105  om.MPxNode.addAttribute(depthShader.aColorNear)
106  om.MPxNode.addAttribute(depthShader.aColorFar)
107  om.MPxNode.addAttribute(depthShader.aNear)
108  om.MPxNode.addAttribute(depthShader.aFar)
109  om.MPxNode.addAttribute(depthShader.aPointCamera)
110  om.MPxNode.addAttribute(depthShader.aOutColor)
112  om.MPxNode.attributeAffects(depthShader.aColorNear, depthShader.aOutColor)
113  om.MPxNode.attributeAffects(depthShader.aColorFar, depthShader.aOutColor)
114  om.MPxNode.attributeAffects(depthShader.aNear, depthShader.aOutColor)
115  om.MPxNode.attributeAffects(depthShader.aFar, depthShader.aOutColor)
116  om.MPxNode.attributeAffects(depthShader.aPointCamera, depthShader.aOutColor)
118  def __init__(self):
119  om.MPxNode.__init__(self)
121  def compute(self, plug, block):
122  # outColor or individial R, G, B channel
123  if (plug != depthShader.aOutColor) and (plug.parent() != depthShader.aOutColor):
124  return None # Let the Maya parent class compute the plug
126  # get sample surface shading parameters
127  pCamera = block.inputValue(depthShader.aPointCamera).asFloatVector()
128  cNear = block.inputValue(depthShader.aColorNear).asFloatVector()
129  cFar = block.inputValue(depthShader.aColorFar).asFloatVector()
130  nearClip = block.inputValue(depthShader.aNear).asFloat()
131  farClip = block.inputValue(depthShader.aFar).asFloat()
133  # pCamera.z is negative
134  ratio = 1.0
135  dist = farClip - nearClip
136  if dist != 0:
137  ratio = (farClip + pCamera.z) / dist
138  resultColor = cNear * ratio + cFar*(1.0 - ratio)
140  # set ouput color attribute
141  outColorHandle = block.outputValue( depthShader.aOutColor )
142  outColorHandle.setMFloatVector( resultColor )
143  outColorHandle.setClean()
145  # The plug has been computed successfully
146  return self
148  def postConstructor(self):
149  pass
151 ##################################################################
152 ## Plugin Depth Shader Override Class Declaration
153 ##################################################################
154 class depthShaderOverride(omr.MPxSurfaceShadingNodeOverride):
155  @staticmethod
156  def creator(obj):
157  return depthShaderOverride(obj)
159  def __init__(self, obj):
160  omr.MPxSurfaceShadingNodeOverride.__init__(self, obj)
162  # Register fragments with the manager if needed
163  fragmentMgr = omr.MRenderer.getFragmentManager()
164  if fragmentMgr != None:
165  if not fragmentMgr.hasFragment("depthShaderPluginFragment"):
166  fragmentBody = textwrap.dedent("""
167  <fragment uiName=\"depthShaderPluginFragment\" name=\"depthShaderPluginFragment\" type=\"plumbing\" class=\"ShadeFragment\" version=\"1.0\">
168  <description><![CDATA[Depth shader fragment]]></description>
169  <properties>
170  <float name=\"depthValue\" />
171  <float3 name=\"color\" />
172  <float3 name=\"colorFar\" />
173  <float name=\"near\" />
174  <float name=\"far\" />
175  </properties>
176  <values>
177  <float name=\"depthValue\" value=\"0.0\" />
178  <float3 name=\"color\" value=\"0.0,1.0,0.0\" />
179  <float3 name=\"colorFar\" value=\"0.0,0.0,1.0\" />
180  <float name=\"near\" value=\"0.0\" />
181  <float name=\"far\" value=\"2.0\" />
182  </values>
183  <outputs>
184  <float3 name=\"outColor\" />
185  </outputs>
186  <implementation>
187  <implementation render=\"OGSRenderer\" language=\"Cg\" lang_version=\"2.1\">
188  <function_name val=\"depthShaderPluginFragment\" />
189  <source><![CDATA[
190  float3 depthShaderPluginFragment(float depthValue, float3 cNear, float3 cFar, float nearClip, float farClip) \n
191  { \n
192  float ratio = (farClip + depthValue)/(farClip - nearClip); \n
193  return cNear*ratio + cFar*(1.0f - ratio); \n
194  } \n]]>
195  </source>
196  </implementation>
197  <implementation render=\"OGSRenderer\" language=\"HLSL\" lang_version=\"11.0\">
198  <function_name val=\"depthShaderPluginFragment\" />
199  <source><![CDATA[
200  float3 depthShaderPluginFragment(float depthValue, float3 cNear, float3 cFar, float nearClip, float farClip) \n
201  { \n
202  float ratio = (farClip + depthValue)/(farClip - nearClip); \n
203  return cNear*ratio + cFar*(1.0f - ratio); \n
204  } \n]]>
205  </source>
206  </implementation>
207  <implementation render=\"OGSRenderer\" language=\"GLSL\" lang_version=\"3.0\">
208  <function_name val=\"depthShaderPluginFragment\" />
209  <source><![CDATA[
210  vec3 depthShaderPluginFragment(float depthValue, vec3 cNear, vec3 cFar, float nearClip, float farClip) \n
211  { \n
212  float ratio = (farClip + depthValue)/(farClip - nearClip); \n
213  return cNear*ratio + cFar*(1.0f - ratio); \n
214  } \n]]>
215  </source>
216  </implementation>
217  </implementation>
218  </fragment>""")
220  fragmentMgr.addShadeFragmentFromBuffer(fragmentBody.encode('utf-8'), False)
222  if not fragmentMgr.hasFragment("depthShaderPluginInterpolantFragment"):
223  vertexFragmentBody = textwrap.dedent("""
224  <fragment uiName=\"depthShaderPluginInterpolantFragment\" name=\"depthShaderPluginInterpolantFragment\" type=\"interpolant\" class=\"ShadeFragment\" version=\"1.0\">
225  <description><![CDATA[Depth shader vertex fragment]]></description>
226  <properties>
227  <float3 name=\"Pm\" semantic=\"Pm\" flags=\"varyingInputParam\" />
228  <float4x4 name=\"worldViewProj\" semantic=\"worldviewprojection\" />
229  </properties>
230  <values>
231  </values>
232  <outputs>
233  <float name=\"outDepthValue\" ^1s/>
234  </outputs>
235  <implementation>
236  <implementation render=\"OGSRenderer\" language=\"Cg\" lang_version=\"2.1\">
237  <function_name val=\"depthShaderPluginInterpolantFragment\" />
238  <source><![CDATA[
239  float depthShaderPluginInterpolantFragment(float depthValue) \n
240  { \n
241  return depthValue; \n
242  } \n]]>
243  </source>
244  <vertex_source><![CDATA[
245  float idepthShaderPluginInterpolantFragment(float3 Pm, float4x4 worldViewProj) \n
246  { \n
247  float4 pCamera = mul(worldViewProj, float4(Pm, 1.0f)); \n
248  return (pCamera.z - pCamera.w*2.0f); \n
249  } \n]]>
250  </vertex_source>
251  </implementation>
252  <implementation render=\"OGSRenderer\" language=\"HLSL\" lang_version=\"11.0\">
253  <function_name val=\"depthShaderPluginInterpolantFragment\" />
254  <source><![CDATA[
255  float depthShaderPluginInterpolantFragment(float depthValue) \n
256  { \n
257  return depthValue; \n
258  } \n]]>
259  </source>
260  <vertex_source><![CDATA[
261  float idepthShaderPluginInterpolantFragment(float3 Pm, float4x4 worldViewProj) \n
262  { \n
263  float4 pCamera = mul(float4(Pm, 1.0f), worldViewProj); \n
264  return (pCamera.z - pCamera.w*2.0f); \n
265  } \n]]>
266  </vertex_source>
267  </implementation>
268  <implementation render=\"OGSRenderer\" language=\"GLSL\" lang_version=\"3.0\">
269  <function_name val=\"depthShaderPluginInterpolantFragment\" />
270  <source><![CDATA[
271  float depthShaderPluginInterpolantFragment(float depthValue) \n
272  { \n
273  return depthValue; \n
274  } \n]]>
275  </source>
276  <vertex_source><![CDATA[
277  float idepthShaderPluginInterpolantFragment(vec3 Pm, mat4 worldViewProj) \n
278  { \n
279  vec4 pCamera = worldViewProj * vec4(Pm, 1.0f); \n
280  return (pCamera.z - pCamera.w*2.0f); \n
281  } \n]]>
282  </vertex_source>
283  </implementation>
284  </implementation>
285  </fragment>""")
287  # In DirectX, need to specify a semantic for the output of the vertex shader
288  if omr.MRenderer.drawAPI() == omr.MRenderer.kDirectX11:
289  vertexFragmentBody = vertexFragmentBody.replace("^1s", "semantic=\"extraDepth\" ")
290  else:
291  vertexFragmentBody = vertexFragmentBody.replace("^1s", " ")
293  fragmentMgr.addShadeFragmentFromBuffer(vertexFragmentBody.encode('utf-8'), False)
295  if not fragmentMgr.hasFragment("depthShaderPluginGraph"):
296  fragmentGraphBody = textwrap.dedent("""
297  <fragment_graph name=\"depthShaderPluginGraph\" ref=\"depthShaderPluginGraph\" class=\"FragmentGraph\" version=\"1.0\">
298  <fragments>
299  <fragment_ref name=\"depthShaderPluginFragment\" ref=\"depthShaderPluginFragment\" />
300  <fragment_ref name=\"depthShaderPluginInterpolantFragment\" ref=\"depthShaderPluginInterpolantFragment\" />
301  </fragments>
302  <connections>
303  <connect from=\"depthShaderPluginInterpolantFragment.outDepthValue\" to=\"depthShaderPluginFragment.depthValue\" />
304  </connections>
305  <properties>
306  <float3 name=\"Pm\" ref=\"depthShaderPluginInterpolantFragment.Pm\" semantic=\"Pm\" flags=\"varyingInputParam\" />
307  <float4x4 name=\"worldViewProj\" ref=\"depthShaderPluginInterpolantFragment.worldViewProj\" semantic=\"worldviewprojection\" />
308  <float3 name=\"color\" ref=\"depthShaderPluginFragment.color\" />
309  <float3 name=\"colorFar\" ref=\"depthShaderPluginFragment.colorFar\" />
310  <float name=\"near\" ref=\"depthShaderPluginFragment.near\" />
311  <float name=\"far\" ref=\"depthShaderPluginFragment.far\" />
312  </properties>
313  <values>
314  <float3 name=\"color\" value=\"0.0,1.0,0.0\" />
315  <float3 name=\"colorFar\" value=\"0.0,0.0,1.0\" />
316  <float name=\"near\" value=\"0.0\" />
317  <float name=\"far\" value=\"2.0\" />
318  </values>
319  <outputs>
320  <float3 name=\"outColor\" ref=\"depthShaderPluginFragment.outColor\" />
321  </outputs>
322  </fragment_graph>""")
324  fragmentMgr.addFragmentGraphFromBuffer(fragmentGraphBody.encode('utf-8'))
326  def supportedDrawAPIs(self):
327  return omr.MRenderer.kOpenGL | omr.MRenderer.kOpenGLCoreProfile | omr.MRenderer.kDirectX11
329  def fragmentName(self):
330  return "depthShaderPluginGraph"
332 ##
333 ## Plugin setup
334 #######################################################
335 sRegistrantId = "depthShaderPlugin_py"
337 def initializePlugin(obj):
338  plugin = om.MFnPlugin(obj, "Autodesk", "4.5", "Any")
339  try:
340  userClassify = "shader/surface:drawdb/shader/surface/depthShader_py"
341  plugin.registerNode("depthShader_py",, depthShader.creator, depthShader.initialize, om.MPxNode.kDependNode, userClassify)
342  except:
343  sys.stderr.write("Failed to register node\n")
344  raise
346  try:
347  global sRegistrantId
348  omr.MDrawRegistry.registerSurfaceShadingNodeOverrideCreator("drawdb/shader/surface/depthShader_py", sRegistrantId, depthShaderOverride.creator)
349  except:
350  sys.stderr.write("Failed to register override\n")
351  raise
353 def uninitializePlugin(obj):
354  plugin = om.MFnPlugin(obj)
355  try:
356  plugin.deregisterNode(
357  except:
358  sys.stderr.write("Failed to deregister node\n")
359  raise
361  try:
362  global sRegistrantId
363  omr.MDrawRegistry.deregisterSurfaceShadingNodeOverrideCreator("drawdb/shader/surface/depthShader_py", sRegistrantId)
364  except:
365  sys.stderr.write("Failed to deregister override\n")
366  raise