Combine clips into Group clips

Group clips let you package multiple clips together for better organization. For example, you could package a karate move comprised of a kick, punch, and turn, and then reuse this Grouped motion on another character. You can import FBX files with multiple takes into one Group clip. See Multiple Takes in the Time Editor.

Once you create a Group clip, you can move, scale, copy, loop, and create transitions for it. The position and any transitions, clip effects, etc. you applied to the individual clips inside the Group remain intact. See Edit Clips inside a Group.

Note: Because you cannot split an Animation clip when it has a Loop or a Hold applied to it, creating a Group clip and splitting it is a way to work around this limitation.

To create a Group clip:

  1. Drag or Shift-select multiple clips of the same type.
  2. Right-click them and choose Create Group .
  3. Expand the Group clip to view all the clips it contains.

Removing clips from a Group clip

To unpack a Group clip, right click it and select Ungroup from the Time Editor Clip contextual menu clip you want to remove and drag it onto another track.