To create a pose
For example, you can select any bone in the character skeleton from the scene view, or select the character from the Current Character Set drop-down list.
The Create Pose Options window appears.
Maya takes a snapshot of the character set’s position at the current time and stores it as a pose in the Character Poses tab of the Visor. You can also access this pose from the Outliner. For information on how to copy a pose from the Outliner or Visor to the Trax Editor, see the next procedure.
To copy a pose in the Outliner or Visor and paste it to a character in the Trax Editor
For instructions on how to copy a pose from the Outliner or Visor to Trax, see Use the Visor with Trax and Use the Outliner with Trax.
To move a character to a pose
All the poses present in the current scene appear.
The character moves to the pose starting position without you having to change the current scene time.
To return a character to its actual animation position from a pose