Create and use tabs in the Node Editor

Using tabs in the Node Editor, you can visualize multiple node graphs and edit them simultaneously, minimizing the need to re-graph. You can create new tabs, rename or duplicate them, tear any of them off into its own window, delete and restore them, and re-order them in the Node Editor.

Tab information is saved when you close the Node Editor, and saved with the scene.

Create a tab

To create a new tab, click + beside the right-most tab.

You can also select Tabs > Create Tab.

Delete or close a tab

To delete a tab, right-click the tab and select Close Tab; or, middle-click the tab to delete it..

You can also select Tabs > Close Active Tab.

Restore the last deleted tab

To restore the last tab that you deleted or closed, select Tabs > Restore last closed tab.

You can also restore a deleted or closed torn-off tab using the same menu item.

Rename a tab

To rename a tab, double-click its name. Press Enter or click outside of the tab to commit your change. Press Esc to cancel.

You can also right-click the tab and select Rename Tab or select Tabs > Rename Active Tab.

Duplicate a tab

To duplicate a tab, right-click the tab and select Duplicate Tab.

Re-order tabs

Left or middle mouse drag to re-order tabs.

Delete all tabs

Select Tabs > Close All Tabs to delete all tabs, including any torn-off tabs. An empty Node Editor remains with a new empty tab.

Tear off a tab into its own window

You can move your current tab into its own window by left- or middle-dragging it off the tab bar. A new Node Editor window is created with a single tab that contains the current tab contents.

You can rename, close or re-dock a torn off window. However, you cannot create additional tabs from this torn-off tab.

Press Esc to cancel the tear-off.

Re-dock a torn-off tab

You can re-dock a torn-off tab by clicking the icon on the tab; or by selecting Tabs > Re-dock this tab.

Note: Closing the Node Editor window also closes its torn-off tabs.