All Maya Hotkeys

This topic provides a searchable list of all Maya hotkeys. You can also use the links at the bottom of this page to find groups of related hotkeys.
Tip: Copy hotkey tables into a spreadsheet program or print the web page to use them as a quick reference.
Note: Unless otherwise specified, use the following special keys on Mac OS X instead of their Windows equivalents.
  • Alt = Option
  • Ctrl = Control
  • Windows key = Command
Note: Exposé hotkeys (F9, F10, F11, F12) may conflict with preset Maya hotkeys. If you experience this problem, you can change the Maya hotkeys, or change the Exposé hotkeys in the System Preferences panel of the computer running Mac OS X. See Hotkeys in Maya for Mac OS X.
Note: Certain key combinations, such as those involving the ~ or ` keys, may not be accessible on non-US English keyboards.