Transform attributes

You can find all attributes for the selected object in the Attribute Editor. The Transform attributes are on the Transform tab (the tab with the object's name) in the Attribute Editor and in the Channel Box. You can use the Channel Box to easily animate the Transform values.


Specifies the object’s translation (Translate X, Y, and Z) attribute values in world space.


Specifies the rotation (Rotate X, Y, and Z attribute values) of the object in world space.

Specifies the object's scale (Scale X, Y, and Z) attribute values in local space.
Note: Unlike translation and rotation attributes, scale uses only the Local coordinate system.

When the Shear XYZ values are changed from 0,0,0, shears or non-proportionately scales the selected geometry.

Rotate Order

Specifies the object’s rotation order. You can set the rotate order when you want a specific final rotation for an object, because each rotate order option produces a different end orientation. For example, if the rotation order for an object is set to xyz, the object first rotates about its X-axis, then its Y-axis, and finally its Z-axis. Default is xyz.

Rotate Axis

Offsets the orientation of the object relative to the orientation of the object’s local rotation axis.

Inherits Transform

When this attribute is on, the current object inherits the transformations (Translate, Rotate, Scale, and Shear values) of its parent object.