Matrix operation nodes

You can chain matrix operations together, similar to how deformation chains work on geometry.

Chain deformations together with the blendMatrix node, where the weight value lets you extrapolate and interpolate.
blendMatrix is not a weighted average, but an ordered blend, where each successive matrix overrides the preceding matrices. For example, where a weighted blend for three matrices might use a value of 1, 1, and 1 for a 50% blend, you will need a weight of 1, .5, and .3333 (or more clearly 1/1, 1/2, 1/3) to achieve the same result with an ordered blend.

The blendMatrix node has the following options

  • Use Matrix: Activates the blendMatrix node

  • Use Scale/Translate/Rotate/Shear: lets you choose which component (Scale/Translate/Rotate/Shear) will use in the blend calculation.

Lets you choose which components from the output matrix to use in the input matrix, for example, you can choose only translation and rotation. Unused components are set to identity.
A hybrid aim/align operation. You can set a transform's orientation by defining a primary and secondary axis. This node lets you set a primary axis through either an alignment or an aim operation that is independent of the secondary axis's aim or alignment operation.

The aimMatrix node has the following options

  • Input axis: the axis to be aimed/aligned
  • Mode: the aimMatrix node has 5 modes:
    Mode Function
    Lock Axis Keeps the input axis from being changed.
    Aim Aims the input axis at the point defined by the Target vector in the Target matrix.
    Align Aligns the input axis with the vector defined by the target vector in the Target matrix.
    None Does not include the secondary axis in the solve. The primary axis takes the shortest quaternion slerp to its solution.
    Target Vector
    • Aim mode: the Target vector is treated like a 3D point in the Target matrix.
    • Align mode: the Target vector is treated like a vector in the Target matrix. In this mode, you must specify a valid (0,0,0 is not valid).
Pin nodes
Note: UVpin and Proximitypin are technically Matrix nodes as well, so they are included here.
Use these nodes to drive transforms directly by their matrix output. There is also a pin node UI for creating and editing setups.
See Proximity pin and UV pin for details.
Proximity Pin

The proximityPin node is used to track positions on a deforming surface. It derives positions from the closest points on a surface from the input transforms. By contrast, the uvPin node derives positions from specified UV coordinates.

Use the proximityPin node to attach objects to your geometry when you want to controls for repositioning inputs, or when clean UVs are not available.

See Create a Proximity Pin and Proximity Pin options for more.
UV Pin
The UV Pin node is used to track positions on a deforming surface, similar to the Proximity Pin node. As the name suggests, UV Pin derives locations from UV coordinates, so you can specify exact coordinate locations for your pins.
See Create a UV Pin and UV Pin options for more.