Select only the parent node and not its children

When selecting the parent node, you can customize whether or not you want its child nodes to be selected as well.

  1. Select Window > Settings/Preferences > Preferences for the Preferences window, then select Selection preferences, and select the appropriate option from the Selection Child Highlighting drop-down list.
    The following options are available:
    • Always highlight: the child nodes are always selected when the parent node is selected (default).
    • Never highlight: the child nodes are never selected; only the parent nodes are selected.
    • Use object highlight setting: Follow the object specific settings to determine if each child node should be selected if its parent is selected.
    • If you select Use object highlight setting, then you must disable Selection Child Highlighting for each child node that you do not want highlighted when its parent is selected. To do this, go to the transform node Attribute Editor for each child node, expand the Display section and the Selection subsection and disable Selection Child Highlighting.