Control which objects or attribute types appear in an editor

The Outliner, Hypergraph, Graph Editor, Dope Sheet, and Relationship Editor let you filter out information you’re not interested in right now.

To temporarily filter out objects or attributes from the editor display

  1. Do one of the following:
    To... Do this

    Only show items with specific text in their names.

    Type text in the text filter box and press Enter. An asterisk (*) matches anything. A question mark (?) matches any single character.

    For example, to show all items whose name starts with spot, type spot* in the text filter box. To show items with new anywhere in their names, type *new*.

    Only show certain types of objects.

    In the Show > Objects submenu, select the object types you want to show.

    To show all object types again, select Show > Objects > Clear Below.

    Only show certain types of attributes.

    In editors that show attributes (Relationship Editor with characters, Outliner with Display > Attributes (Channels) on):

    In the Show > Attributes submenu, select the object types you want to show.

    To show all object types again, select Show > Attributes > Clear Below.

    Only show objects or attributes of the same type(s) as the selection.

    Select Show > Show Selected Type(s).

    Show all objects and attributes.

    Select Show > Show All.

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