Automatically restart caching from the last cached frame (Bifröst liquid only)

You can automatically restart caching a Bifröst liquid simulation from the last frame that was cached out with the same settings. You can use this procedure to append to an existing cache, if you have not changed any simulation settings in the meantime. You can also use this procedure to restart a cache that failed for any reason, without the need to manually determine the last frame that was cached successfully.

  1. Select the container for the simulation that you want to cache.
  2. Select Bifrost Fluids > Compute and Cache to Disk > .
  3. Set Write Mode to Write from last matching frame.
  4. Make sure that other settings are as desired.
  5. Click Create.

    Bifröst finds the last existing cached frame that matches the current simulation settings, then computes and saves the user cache from that frame onward.