The Bifröst
guideMeshProps attributes control the behavior of the guide objects that share this property. See
Guide a Bifröst simulation of a liquid surface.
Container Attributes
- Enable
- Enables evaluation of the entire container node.
- Evaluation Type
- Controls how the node is evaluated. Normally, this should not be changed.
- Simulation
- The node gets evaluated based on the previous frame.
- Property
- The node is used only to set values used by other nodes.
- Mesh Property
- The node is used to set values on polygon mesh objects, such as emitters, colliders, and other meshes used in a simulation.
- Per Frame
- The node is evaluated every frame, but does not depend on the previous frame. This mode can be used for animation or reading cache files.
- Enable
- Enables the mesh object to act as a guide.
- Voxel Scale
Scaling factor for the
Master Voxel Size used to initially voxelize meshes that share this property. See
Control the voxel resolution of a Bifröst simulation.
- Velocity Scale
Controls the proportion of velocity that the animated guide mesh imparts to the guided liquid in each of the world X, Y, and Z axes.
- At the default value of 1.0, the mesh guides the liquid normally.
- At 0.0, the mesh imparts no velocity to the liquid.
- Between 0.0 and 1.0, the mesh imparts a fraction of its velocity to the liquid. This dampens the motion of liquid in a guided simulation.
- Above 1.0, mesh imparts a higher velocity to the liquid than its actual motion. This exaggerates the motion of the liquid.
- Below 0.0, the mesh imparts velocity in the direction opposite to its actual motion. This is not recommended for guided simulations.
- Additional Velocity controls
These attributes work together to apply an optional, extra velocity to the guided liquid, which is independent of the guide mesh's actual animation.
- Enable Additional Velocity
- Adds extra velocity to any existing velocity.
- Additional Velocity Mult
- A multiplier that scales
Additional Velocity uniformly in all axes.
- Additional Velocity
- The base velocity to add in world coordinates.
Boundary Controls
Limits the effect of the associated mesh objects to their intersection with an implicit shape. See
Limit the volume of a mesh's effect using boundary controls.
- Enable Boundary
- Activates the boundary controls.
- Boundary Shape
- Selects the shape of the boundary volume.
- Invert
- Restricts the effect of the mesh to the exterior instead of the interior of the boundary volume.