Work with Bifröst killplanes

Killplanes are infinite planes that eliminate particles which cross from one side to the other in a Bifröst simulation. You can use them to remove particles such as drops and splashes that exit the camera's view and no longer need to be simulated. This reduces the total number of particles as well as the volume that needs to be voxelized, and can reduce the memory and computational requirements.

Add a killplane

  1. Select the container (e.g. bifrostLiquid or bifrostAero) or the shape object (e.g. liquid or aero). Alternatively, you can select the shape (e.g. liquid or aero)
  2. Select Bifrost Fluids > (Add) Killplane.

    A bifrostKillplane object is created at the world origin and automatically selected.

  3. Translate and rotate the bifrostKillplane object into the position you want, and animate it if desired.

Remove killplanes

To remove a killplane, you can either:
  • Delete it from the scene.
  • Disconnect it from the main container's Killplanes input port in the Node Editor.