Guides To Curves options

Converts selected guides to curves. Use this option to save out a set of curves that match the guides that you want to transfer to another Description or hair system. If you want to shape the guides for the current Description, use the Guides as Curves utility instead.


Sets what to do with the guides after converting them to curves.


Both guides and curves display after conversion.


Hides the selected guides after they are converted to curves. If you convert a curves to a guide, XGen displays the hidden guides.

Important: If you select Hide, use the to unhide any guides you want to convert back to curves (Curves to Guides). Otherwise, another guide may appear at the same point along with the original, which may lead to undesired results. Use Check Guide to ensure no guides have been duplicated.
Delete Curves

Deletes the selected guides after they are converted to curves. If you convert a curve to a guide, XGen creates new guides.

Lock Length

Locks curve length so that pulling the end points does not stretch the curve. When on, the distance between each CV cannot be changed.