Lets you create dynamic nHair on NURBS or polygon surfaces. To have nHair collide with a surface, such as character's head or body geometry, create the hair system on polygonal surfaces. You can then convert the polygon object to a Nucleus passive collision object
to set
Create Hair Options.
See also Create your own hair on surfaces.
Select to set
Paint Hair Follicles Settings.
See Paint hair follicles.
See Paint hair textures.
to set
Make Curves Dynamic Options.
Select nHair Modify Curves Options.
to setSelect this to set the position for the Rest curves based on either the Current Position (dynamic simulation) or the Start Position. The Rest Position represents the position of the hair when no forces are acting upon it. You can use these curves to influence the shape of the hair. See Set hair curve positions.
Use this option to add NURBS output curves to a hair system created from Paint Effects or to replace output curves that have been deleted. You cannot use Add Output Curves to Hair to create a second node or a new hair system (for example, hairSytemShape node).
See nHair connections and nHair output.
Adds a pfxHair node to the selected hair system if the one does not already exist. The Paint Effects output uses the existing hairSystemShape and hairSystemFollicles nodes. A pfxHair node appears in the Outliner.
Use this option to add Paint Effects output to a hair system created from NURBS output curves. You cannot use Add Paint Effects Output to Hair to create a second pxHair node or a new hair system (for example, hairSytemShape node).
See nHair connections and nHair output.
Let's you randomize the placement of hair follicles on a polygon mesh surface.
Use Range to specify the amount of randomization for the placement of follicles along the U and V directions. With a Range value of 0 there is no randomization and the follicles are lined up. With a value of 1 the follicles are extremely random.
Drag right to make the hair larger or longer and drag left to make the hair smaller or shorter. See Adjust the hair length.
to set
Transplant Hair Options.
For details, see Transplant hair.
See Delete nHair.
Removes the entire selected hair system and all its components (follicles, curves). For more information, see Delete hair.