Paint on existing images and textures

You can open existing images (any file format supported by Maya) onto the canvas, then paint on them. For information on the file formats supported by Maya, see Supported file formats.

You can also use Paint Effects to modify existing textures.

To paint on an existing image

  1. Select Canvas > Open Image. The Open (Windows and Mac OS X) or Open Image (Linux) window appears.
  2. To display image files with the file formats supported by Maya:
    • (Linux) Select image (UNIX format) beside Read as.
    • (Windows) Select image (all formats) beside Files of type.
    • (Mac OS X) Select image (all formats) beside Show.
  3. Select the image you are importing onto the canvas.
  4. Click Open (Windows and Mac OS X) or Open Image (Linux).

  5. If there is already an image on the canvas with unsaved changes, you are prompted to save it.

    Click Yes to save the existing image.

    The Save Image (Linux) or Save (Windows and Mac OS X) window opens. Type a name for the image, including the file extension (for example, forest.iff) and click Save Image (Linux) or Save (Windows and Mac OS X).

    Click No to clear the canvas without saving, then open the imported image.

  6. Paint on the image (see Paint on the canvas).
  7. Save the image (Canvas > Save). Paint Effects saves the changes to the imported image.

To paint on an existing texture

  1. Using the middle mouse button, drag the texture from Hypershade onto the canvas.
  2. If there is already an image on the canvas with unsaved changes, you are prompted to save it.

    Click Yes to save the existing image. The Save Image (Linux) or Save (Windows and Mac OS X) window opens. Type a name for the image, including the file extension (for example, forest.iff) and click Save Image (Linux) or Save (Windows and Mac OS X).

    Click No to clear the canvas without saving, then open the imported image.

  3. Paint on the texture (see Paint on the canvas).
  4. Save the texture (Canvas > Save). Paint Effects saves the changes to the image file that the texture references.