Select Brush Settings

When on , previously selected hair strands are deselected when painted.

Hotkey: Pressing Ctrl toggles Deselect on and off.

Selection Type
Lets you control how the brush selects hair strands in the brush radius.
Selects all the hairs in the brush radius based a 2D projection of screen space. Use this option for general selection tasks.

Selection Type: Screen

Selects hairs based on a 3D spherical selection area that is positioned at the center of the brush radius. Use this option when you need to minimize the selection area and make precise selections.

Adjust the Volume Search Radius and Volume Center Offset attributes to control the size and placement of the selection area.

Selection Type: Volume

Selects hairs based on where they are generated on the surface of the bound mesh. The brush radius follows the mesh surface, which allows you to select hairs by their root region.

Selection Type: Surface

Volume Search Radius
Applies only when Selection Type set to Volume. Sets the radius of the region around the brush center that is used to locate the hair CV closest to the outer edge of the brush radius. This value is a percentage of the brush radius. Larger values increase the sampling size of volume selection and provide better overall results. The default value is 0.25.
Volume Center Offset
Applies only when Selection Type set to Volume. Lets you adjust the distance between the volume center and the camera. Positive values increase this distance, while negative values reduce it.
Offset Hotkey Interval

Applies only when Selection Type set to Volume. Sets the amount of offset applied to the volume each time the offset hotkey is pressed.

Filter Back Faces

When on, hairs on back-facing polygons are not selected.

Back Face Cutoff Angle

Controls the angle of the back-face filtering. For example, when set to the default value of 90, hairs on faces that face over 90 degrees away from the camera are not selected by the brush.

Deselect All
Cancels your selection and unhighlights all the selected hairs in one operation.
Invert Selection
Selects all unselected hairs, and deselects all selected hairs.
Hide Selected
Hides selected hairs.
Show All
Shows all hairs, whether they are selected or not, and deselects all selected hairs.
Show Selected Only
Shows the selected hairs.
Toggle Show/Hide
Click to hide or show all of the hairs.