Joint Labelling Menu

Add Joint Labels
The Add Joint Labels menu lets you assign standard, consistent labels to the joints of your source and target skeletons.
See also Label a skeleton’s joints.
Toggle Selected Labels
Shows or hides the joint labels in the scene view for the selected joints.
Show All Labels
Shows all joint labels in the scene view.
Hide All Labels
Hides all joint labels in the scene view.
Rename Joints From Labels
Changes the current joint’s name to its joint label.
For example, if a joint is named joint2 and its label is Shoulder(L), then the joint’s name would change to LeftShoulder.
Label Based On Joint Names
Changes the current joint’s label based on its joint name. For example, if a joint is labeled as Shoulder(L) and its joint name is Right_Hip, then the joint’s label would change to Hip(R).
For this menu item to work, the following conditions need be met:
  • The joint’s name must contain the name of the desired labels. For example, if you want a joint to be labelled as an elbow, the word elbow must be in the joint’s name.
  • If you want the joint to be labelled as left or right, its joint name must contain the word left or right or begin with the letter l or r.
    Note: Label Based On Joint Names does not create valid full body IK joint labels.