Edit the HumanIK Character Controls layout

You can modify the CharacterControlsConfig.xml, CustomRigControlsConfig.xml, or FullRigControlsConfig.xml files to adjust the Controls or Custom Rig character layout. When modifications are complete, you can save your customized file in a location of your choice, before loading the file in Maya to view your new layout.

The Character Controls configuration file is located in the CharacterControls directory: (C:\Program Files\Autodesk\<Maya version>\resources\CharacterControls). For more on CharacterControlsConfig.xml, CustomRigControlsConfig.xml, or FullRigControlsConfig.xml, see HumanIK Character Controls templates.

The following image shows the default layout in the Custom Rig tab. The configuration file has not yet been edited.
The following image shows the Custom Rig layout for the same character after some simple modifications to the CustomRigControlsConfig.xml file.

See Reposition effectors in the HumanIK Character representation, Customize the Custom Rig Character Definition background, and Save and load a new HumanIK Character Controls layout.