Create jiggle deformers

To create jiggle deformers

  1. Select the points or entire object you want to jiggle.
  2. Select Deform > (Create) Jiggle > .

    The Jiggle Deformer Options window appears.

  3. Click the Basic and Advanced tabs and set the creation options.

    See Deformers > (Create) Jiggle and Advanced deformer options.

  4. Click Create to create a jiggle deformer. The options window closes. You can click Apply to keep the window open and continue to tweak the settings.
  5. Play the animation to check the results.
    Note: You may have the play the animation twice for the effect to apply.
  6. After you play the animation , tune the jiggle with the Paint Jiggle Weights Tool. See Paint jiggle deformer weights.
  7. Tip: If you want to create a falloff (or ramp effect) for this deformer, so that the results of the deformation decrease or drop off after a specified distance, use Component Tags. See Create deformer falloffs.

To create disk cache for jiggle deformers

  1. Select Deform > (Create) Jiggle > Jiggle Disk Cache > .
  2. The Create Disk Cache Options window appears.
  3. Set the creation options.

    See Jiggle Disk Cache Options.

  4. Do one of the following:
    • Click Create to create the jiggle cache. The options window closes.

    Maya creates the jiggle cache and creates a permanent jiggle cache file for each jiggle deformer in the scene. The file or files are in the current project’s data folder, and are named scene_jigglen.mcj.

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