Wrinkle deformer

Wrinkle deformers let you create detailed wrinkling effects by combining wire deformers with a cluster deformer.

A wrinkle deformer creates a cluster of wire deformers. You can create deformation effects by controlling the entire cluster of wire deformers, or by manipulating individual influence wires.

Since a wrinkle deformer is a combination of a cluster deformer and one or more wire deformers, animating a wrinkle deformer involves animating the attributes of the cluster deformer and the wrinkle deformers rather than the attributes of the wrinkle deformer.

A wrinkle deformer combines a cluster deformer with one or more wire deformers. Wrinkle deformers are useful for creating detailed wrinkling effects.

For wrinkling a single NURBS surface, you can use three types of wrinkle deformers: radial wrinkles, tangential wrinkles, and custom wrinkles. See Wrinkle Settings.