Animation redirection example

You want to modify the walk cycle animation of a biped character so that during its walk cycle the character turns a corner and then walks down a ramp.

To make a biped character turn a corner during its walk cycle

  1. Step forward in the character’s animation until you locate the point at which you want the character to turn around the corner, then stop the animation at a place in the walk cycle where the left foot of the biped character is on the ground.
  2. Select the root joint of the character’s skeleton.

    When redirecting the motion of a character, you want to create redirection controls for the parts of the character whose translation or rotation you want to change during its animation. In this scenario, the root joint is selected because we want to modify the orientation of the character’s entire body during its walk cycle.

  3. In the Animation menu set, select Key > Redirect > .

    The Character Redirection Options window appears. See Key > Redirect.

  4. Turn on Rotation Only and click Redirect.

    The rotation redirection control appears at the root joint of the character.

  5. Select the rotation redirection control and using the Move Tool, move the control to the tip of your character’s left foot.

    Moving the rotation redirection control lets you reposition the point around which the biped character pivots. In this scenario, you want the character to pivot on the ball of its left foot when it turns the corner.

  6. In the Channel Box, key the Rotate X, Y, and Z channels for the left foot’s rotation redirection control.
  7. Step forward in the animation until the right foot is on the ground and the left foot’s heel is raised.
  8. Select the left foot rotation redirection control, rotate it 45 degrees, and key its Rotate X, Y, and Z channels.
  9. Select the character’s root joint and select Key > Redirect.
  10. Select the rotation redirection control and using the Translate Tool, move the control to the tip of your biped’s right foot.
  11. In the Channel Box, key the Rotate X, Y, and Z channels for the right foot’s rotation redirection control.
  12. Step forward in the animation until the left foot is once again on the ground and the right foot’s heel is raised.
  13. Select the right foot’s rotation redirection control, rotate it 45 degrees, and key its Rotate X, Y, and Z channels.
  14. Go to the beginning of the animation’s playback range and play the animation.

The character now walks and turns left around the corner.

To make a biped character walk down a ramp during its walk cycle

  1. Step forward in the animation until you reach the frame where the character is just about to walk down the ramp.
  2. Select the root joint of the character.
  3. In the Animation menu set, select Key > Redirect > .

    The Character Redirection Options window appears. See Key > Redirect.

  4. Turn on Rotation and Translation and click Redirect.

    The rotation and translation redirection controls appear at the root joint of the character.

  5. Select the rotation and translation redirection controls and using the Translate Tool, move the controls to the tip of your biped’s right foot.
  6. Step back a few frames until the character appears to be standing on the edge of the ramp with both feet side-by-side.
  7. Do the following:
    • For the rotation redirection control, key all its Rotate X, Y, and Z channels.
    • For the translation redirection control, key all its Translate X, Y, and Z channels.
  8. Step forward in the animation to the point where you inserted the redirection controls.
  9. Select the rotation redirection control and using the Rotate Tool, rotate the control until the character’s feet are parallel to the ramp.
  10. In the Channel Box, key the rotation redirection control’s Rotate X, Y, and Z channels.
  11. Select the translation redirection control and using the Move Tool, translate your character downward until the right foot touches the ramp and the left foot touches the floor.
  12. In the Channel Box, key the translation redirection control’s Translate X, Y, and Z channels.
  13. Go to the start of the animation’s playback range and play your animation.

After the character turns the corner, it now walks down the ramp.