Understand Maya exit codes

Maya exit codes are often included in the message that displays when a crash occurs:
maya encountered a fatal error
Signal: 11 (Unknown Signal)
Result: /users/<username>/maya/projects/Test/scenes/Test1.ma
Fatal Error. Attempting to save in /usr/tmp/<username>.20120223.1655.ma
// Maya exited with status 139
We can use the following information to decipher exit codes:
Tip: In many cases, you can send us details on how to reproduce the crash using the crash error reporting (CER) pop-up window. See http://www.autodesk.com/cer for more information.

When running Maya standalone on the Linux platform, if Maya exits with a 0 status when you try to end the Python process using kill -2 or kill -2 python-bin, you can set the environment variable MAYA_DEBUG_NO_SIGINT_HANDLING = 1 for Maya to exit with a non-zero status.