Shelf Editor

The Shelf Editor lets you create and edit shelves, which are collections of tools and actions that you want grouped together. (See also Shelves.)

To... Do this
Add a shelf Select > New Shelf next to the existing shelves.
Rename a shelf In the Shelf Editor, Shelves section, select the shelf you want to edit and enter a new name in the Rename text box.
Rearrange shelves In the Shelf Editor, Shelves section, select the shelf you want to rearrange and click or .
Delete a shelf In the Shelf Editor, Shelves section, select the shelf you want to remove and click .
Navigate among shelves Use the pull down menu to navigate to the previous or next shelf; or, to jump directly to another shelf.
Add a tool, action, menu item, or script to a shelf Middle-drag menu items or snippets of code onto the shelf. See Add a tool, action, menu item, or script to a shelf.
Show or hide the tabs to streamline your interface Toggle Shelf Tabs from the pull down menu.

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