Change the panel layout

You can set up the division of the main window into panels, adjust their size, and change the contents of panels between view and editors.

To... Do this

Switch to a saved layout of panels.

In a panel, select an item from the Panels > Saved Layouts submenu.

Change the number and division of panels.

Right-click on the Quick Layout buttons and select an item from the menu.


In a panel, select an item from the Panels > Layouts submenu.

Resize the panels.

Drag the dividers between panels. Drag the point where the dividers cross to resize all panels at the same time.

Save the current panel arrangement as a layout

Right-click on the Quick Layout buttons and select Save Current Layout. This layout is then available from the Panels > Saved Layouts menu.

Switch between the current layout and a full screen of the active panel (where the mouse cursor is).

Tap the space bar.

Switch between a full-screen view panel and the current layout.

Press Ctrl+space bar

Set the contents of a panel.

In the panel, select an item from the Panels > Panel submenu.

Go back in the panel layout history.

In a panel, select Panels > Layouts > Previous arrangement.


Press the { hotkey.

Go forward in the panel layout history.

In a panel, select Panels > Layouts > Next arrangement.


Press the } hotkey.

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