Multi-Touch input gestures

To use Maya with a multi-touch device, make sure that the Multi-touch Gestures preference is on in the Interface preferences. If your setup includes a supported multi-touch device and is up to date with the latest drivers, no additional configuration is required.

If your workstation includes a supported multi-touch device with the latest drivers, Maya recognizes the following inputs/actions.

Important: (Mac OS X) If you enable a trackpad as your multi-touch device, turn off Swipe between full-screen apps and Mission control under Trackpad > More Gestures in your System Preferences to prevent conflicts between the Maya gestures and the default gestures defined for the trackpad.
To: Do this...


(1-finger swipe)

Note: (Mac OS X) If you're using the Trackpad for multi-touch and as a cursor, use Shift + 2 finger swipe to tumble.


(2-finger swipe/pinch)

Tilt the camera

(2-finger twist)

Return to home position

(2-finger double-tap)

Additional gestures for devices where the multi-touch surface is also a screen

To: Do this...

Set the camera centre-of-interest

(double-tap with one finger on a mesh point)