When you run Maya on a high resolution display device, like Ultra HD or 4K monitors, Maya's interface automatically uses high resolution images for icons, cursors, and other images. The supported resolutions are 100%, 150%, and 200%.
By default, Maya uses the 100% image, but if you are running Maya on a display with a higher resolution, Maya automatically uses a higher resolution image (150% or 200%). For custom images, you can also take advantage of this feature by providing your own custom images used in Maya.
<!DOCTYPE RCC><RCC version="1.0"> <qresource> <file alias="cone.png">cone_100.png</file> <file>cone_150.png</file> <file>cone_200.png</file> </qresource> </RCC>
The following examples demonstrate how to add a command or a script to the shelf using the shelfButton command and specify the default image using the image1 flag:
shelfButton -label “Cone” -command "CreateNURBSCone" -image1 "cone.png";
shelfButton -label “Resource Browser” -sourceType "python" -command "import maya.app.general.resourceBrowser as resourceBrowser\nresBrowser = resourceBrowser.resourceBrowser()\npath = resBrowser.run\n" -image1 "commandButton.png";