Maya Installation and Licensing

You can install Maya on a single host or a network server. Earlier versions do not need to be uninstalled before a new version can be installed. You can have multiple versions of Maya installed simultaneously.

If you uninstall a previous version of Maya before installing a new version, the license type and product activation method may differ between the two versions, and you may need to reactivate the product.

Maya can be installed to run in English, Japanese, or Simplified Chinese.

The default installation paths for Maya are:
Windows C:\Program Files\Autodesk\<MayaVersion>
Linux /usr/autodesk/<MayaVersion>
macOS /Applications/Autodesk/<MayaVersion>

On Linux a symbolic link is automatically made from /usr/local/bin/maya to /usr/autodesk/<MayaVersion>/bin/<MayaVersion>.

Bifrost, MtoA (Arnold for Maya), and Substance are installed with Maya.

Important: Before installing Maya, verify that your system meets the minimum system requirements and your hardware meets the minimum requirements to run Maya.

See Maya System Requirements, Maya Release Notes, and Certified Hardware.