Light Fog

Simulates particles in the air (for example, fog, smoke, dust) illuminated by a particular light. You can add light fog to spot lights or point lights. Light Fog can cast depth map shadows. Environment Fog cannot.

Find this material in the Create tab.


The color of illuminated fog. (The light’s Color also influences the color of illuminated fog.) The default color is white.


The density of illuminated fog. The higher the density, the more obscured the objects within or behind the fog. (The density also influences the brightness of illuminated fog.) Color Based Transparency and Fast Drop Off also influence how objects are obscured by illuminated fog. The slider range is 0 to 1. The default value is 1.

Color Based Transparency

If on, the amount that objects within or behind the fog are obscured is based on the Density value and the Color value. Objects obscured by the fog are fully shaded, not just flat-shaded silhouettes. If the fog Color is dark (for example, black), turn off Color Based Transparency (otherwise the fog is not visible). Color Based Transparency is on by default.

Fast Drop Off

If off, all objects within or behind the fog are obscured by the same amount, based on the Density value. If on, each object within or behind the fog is obscured by a different amount, based on the Density value and the object’s distance from the camera (that is, the amount of fog between the camera and the object). Fast Drop Off is off by default.

An object (or part of an object) which has more fog between it and the camera appears more obscured than an object (or part of an object) which has less fog between it and the camera. This is the way real-world fog behaves.


If Fast Drop Off is on, objects within the fog that are further from the camera may be obscured too much, so you may want to reduce the Density value.