Bump 2d

Converts a 2D texture to bump maps. See also Use the Bump 2d utility.

Bump Value

The source 2D texture used for the bump map. You can connect the output of any shading network to Bump Value to use as the source of the bumps.

Bump Depth

Controls how high the bumps display on the surface. Increase Bump Depth to make the surface bumpier. Decrease Bump Depth to make the surface smoother.

You can achieve almost identical effects by adjusting the Bump Depth or the Alpha Gain and Alpha Offset of the texture. The Bump Depth is determined by reading the alpha gain value of the texture. Both controls can be useful in complex shading networks where there may be multiple bumps. The alpha gain attribute lets you individually adjust the bump for each texture.

Bump Filter

Affects the filtering level performed on a texture used as a bump map. Maya calculates the amount of filtering based on how much screen space the texture occupies in the final image. The Bump Filter attribute is a multiplier of that value.

Values greater than 1.0 produce more filtering, making the bumps smoother. Increase the value if aliasing occurs (jagged staircase effects) in final renderings, or if the bump map appears to pop or “sizzle” over the course of several frames.

Values less than 1.0 produce less filtering, making the bumps appear sharper. Decrease the value if bumps are too smooth in the final rendered images.

Bump Filter Offset

Affects the amount of filtering performed on a texture.

Unlike the Bump Filter attribute (which is a multiplier), Maya adds Bump Filter Offset to calculated filtering values. This increases the amount of filtering uniformly.

This attribute can be used to lock Maya’s filtering values. If you want the Bump Filter Offset value to completely determine the amount of filtering, set the Bump Filter attribute to 0.

Adjust Edges

Artifacts may display on texture boundaries when you map textures with the place2dTexture’s Wrap U and Wrap V attributes turned off. Using Adjust Edges removes these artifacts when this happens, but has no effect when you turn the Wrap U and Wrap V attributes on.