Hypershade Options menu

Bins Sort Hypershade Nodes Only
By default, the bins in the Hypershade help you to organize only the shading nodes in your scene. If you disable the Bins Sort Shading Node Only option, then the Hypershade bins can organize all the nodes in your scene. To avoid clutter and to simplify your workflow, you may want to enable this option to only sort the shading nodes in your scene.
Keep Swatches at Current Resolution
Does not rerender swatches in the Hypershade when you zoom. This is helpful if a scene is complex and there are many swatches in a Hypershade layout.
Swatch prefer batch images
Preferably use batch render results for swatches of render pass, render layer and render target nodes.
Show Relationships Connections
Shows connections that do not represent data flow.
Merge Connections
Displays multiple connections between two nodes as a single, bold line. For more information, see Merge connections.