Use the Vector Product utility

For a description of the Vector Product utility, see Vector Product.

To multiply a vector

  1. Create a material, in this case, Anisotropic.
  2. Create a Vector Product node and connect its Output attribute to an input attribute on the material node; for example, the Color input of Anisotropic.
  3. Create two texture nodes, in this case Checker and Crater.
  4. Connect these textures to Input 1 and Input 2 of the Vector Product node. For example, connect the Checker node's Out Color to Input 1, and the Crater node's Out Color to Input 2.
  5. Select the Vector Product node. In its Property Editor, adjust the attributes (such as Operation) and see the results in the Material Viewer.

    The following example shows the shader network and its render in the Material Viewer when Cross Product is selected.