Hypershade work area tabs

Using tabs in the work area, you can visualize multiple graphs and edit them simultaneously, minimizing the need to re-graph. You can create new tabs, rename or duplicate them, delete and restore them, and re-order them in the Node Editor.

Tab information is retained when you close the Hypershade, and saved with the scene.

Create a tab

To create a new tab, click + beside the right-most tab.

Delete or close a tab

To delete a tab, right-click the tab and select Close Tab; or, middle-click the tab to delete it..

Restore the last deleted tab

To restore the last tab that you deleted or closed, click in the work area toolbar. This icon becomes active when you have deleted a tab.

Rename a tab

To rename a tab, double-click its name. Press Enter or click outside of the tab to commit your change. Press to cancel.

You can also right-click the tab and select Rename Tab.

Duplicate a tab

To duplicate a tab, right-click the tab and select Duplicate Tab.

Re-order tabs

Left or middle mouse drag to re-order tabs.