Condition node

See also Use the Condition utility.

The Condition utility can be something as simple as comparing the values in the First Term and the Second Term. Based on the result of this comparison, you can (for example) change the color or texture of an object.

For example, if the First Term is less than the Second Term, the resulting color of the object (OutColor) is Color If True, and Color If False appears when the First Term is not less than the Second Term.

First Term

Represents the first term of the condition.

Second Term

Represents the second term of the condition.


Displays a drop-down list from which you can select an operator. The operators include: Equal, Not Equal, Greater Than, Greater or Equal, Less Than, Less or Equal.

Color If True

The color or texture that is output when the condition is true.

Color If False

The color or texture that is output when the condition is false.

Out Color

The output attribute with the result obtained. Available in the Connection Editor only.

Tip: Because you can also map all the input attributes, you can switch between two textures, for example, connecting them to Color If True and Color If False.