
Simulates snow on a surface.


If you assign Snow to geometry whose surface normals and tangents are constant (for example, those of a primitive cone), the Snow texture appears as a uniform color, and the difference between the Snow Color and Surface Color is non-existent.

You can find this texture in the Create tab. To apply this texture as a texture map, see Map a 2D or 3D texture.

Snow Color

The color of the snow on the top of the surface.

Surface Color

The color of the surface on which the snow lies.


Determines the maximum slope that holds snow. The range is 0 (90 degrees from horizontal) to 1 (0 degrees from horizontal). The default is 0.5 (45 degrees from horizontal).

Depth Decay

The rate at which the snow color blends into the surface color. The range is 0 to 10. The default is 5.


The apparent depth of the snow. Thickness controls the opacity of the snow (deeper snow is more opaque). The range is 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque). The default is 1.