Matrix Utility Nodes

Maya uses Matrix utility nodes to add extra effects to your scene using Matrix math. The following utility matrices are available in Maya:


This utility accepts a list of matrices as inputs and adds them together to generate an output which is the sum of all input matrices (m1 + m2 + m3 + m4 = matrixSumOutput).

See also addMatrix in the Maya Technical Documentation.

Transforms an Input matrix so that the specified Primary Axis points to the specified primaryTarget. The secondary Target is used optionally to aim the secondary Axis in that general direction (up vector).
BlendNode blends a base matrix (InpuMatrix) successively with each target. The blend occurs as a stack. The previous blend results are blended with the next target and so on.
The composeMatrix node consumes a Translate, (Quat or Rot), Scale, and Shear value to produce a 4 x 4 matrix.
The decomposeMatrix node consumes a 4 x 4 transform matrix as an input and returns the transform matrix decomposition. See Transform Offset Parent Matrix.
This node outputs a 4 x 4 matrix based on 16 input values. You can connect this output matrix attribute to any attribute that are a "matrix" type.

The first row of the matrix is defined by in00, in01, in02, in03.

The second row of the matrix is defined by in10, in11, in12, in13.

The third row of the matrix is defined by in20, in21, in22, in23.

The fourth row of the matrix is defined by in30, in31, in32, in33.

Use this utility to cache a matrix.
Multiplies a list of matrices together.
Multiplies a matrix by a constant without caching anything.
Lets you choose a matrix element (Scale, Translate, Rotate, and Shear) to build a matrix with.
Add a weighted list of matrices together.
Note: uvPin is technically a matrix node.
This node returns a matrix for each point (given by attributes "coordinateU" and "coordinateV") on a geometry (given by the attribute "deformedGeometry").
See UV Pin and Create a uvPin.
Note: proximityPin is technically a matrix node.
This node returns a matrix for each point (given by attributes "coordinateU" and "coordinateV") on a geometry (given by the attribute "deformedGeometry").
See Proximity Pin and Create a Proximity Pin.