Create a PSD file with layer sets from within Maya

When you create a PSD file from within Maya, you select the channels to be painted in Adobe Photoshop.

These channels are then represented in Adobe Photoshop as layer sets, and you can add, edit, or delete any layer within a layer set (see also Use PSD Networks as textures in Maya). Any changes you make in Adobe Photoshop are piped back into the appropriate channels in Maya when you update the PSD node (see Update PSD networks).


An optional UV snapshot works as a guideline to help you paint the texture with greater accuracy. You can create a UV snapshot when you create a layered PSD file in Maya.

To create and use a layered PSD file in Maya

  1. Make sure UVs fit within the 0 to 1 texture space and select the required material (like Phong, for example).
  2. Select the object you want to paint.
  3. Select Texturing > Create PSD Network.

    The Create PSD Network Options window opens.

  4. Type the name of the Adobe Photoshop file to be created, and set any of the options (or use the default).
  5. In the list of Attributes, double-click an attribute you want to paint to add it to the list of Attributes. Repeat for additional attributes you want to include. If you want to paint an attribute not shown in the list, turn on the Detailed Attribute List.
  6. Select Create.

    An empty PSD file is created by Maya with layer sets for the selected attributes you want to paint. The background colors are taken from the material.

  7. Locate the PSD file in the sourceimages directory of your project.
  8. Open the file in Adobe Photoshop.
    • Each attribute to be painted is represented by a layer set, and you can add or delete as many layers as you want within a given layer set. Maya treats each layer set as a separate flattened image, and the material’s base color is used.
    • If you opted to include a UV snapshot, it is inserted on the topmost layer as reference for painting. (This layer does not contribute to the render.)
  9. Paint the layers in Adobe Photoshop, then save the file.
  10. In Maya, select Texturing > Update PSD Networks.

    Each of the PSD image file’s layer sets are represented by a separate node attached to the PSD file node.