-click in the work area of the
ShaderFX editor for the marking menu.
Create new nodes from this menu. You can select among texture nodes, math nodes, lighting nodes, and so forth. If you select Settings > Toggle Advanced Mode from the ShaderFX menu bar to toggle on the advanced mode, a larger selection of nodes is available to you; for example, advanced math nodes and Graph Nodes.
Create new nodes from this menu. You can select among texture nodes, math nodes, utility nodes, and so forth.
Select your node, then select this option to bake your preview swatch to a 2kx2k texture. A tooltip appears in the ShaderFX editor, indicating the location to which your swatches are saved. You can also select multiple nodes at the same time and save their swatches simultaneously.
Select your node, then select this option to bake the unwrapped UVs of your geometry to a 2kx2k texture. A tooltip appears in the ShaderFX editor, indicating the location to which your swatches are saved. You can also select multiple nodes at the same time and save their swatches simultaneously.
Select your geometry in the scene view, then select this option to visualize your viewport geometry in the ShaderFX swatches. You can even bake the UV unwrapped image to a texture by selecting Save Selected Swatches to Files. See Baking in ShaderFX for more information.
Use in conjunction with Set Swatch Geometry. After you have selected Set Swatch Geometry to visualize your geometry in swatches, you must select this option to update the swatches if you rotate your camera. After rotating the camera, select View > Select Camera in the Maya panel menu, then select this option to update the swatches in ShaderFX. See Baking in ShaderFX for more information.