Remap Color

Lets you remap a three-channel input (such as RGB color) to another three-channel output with three gradient controls for more precise shading.

You can also use this utility for non-shading purposes, however. For example, you could connect the translate of one object to remapColor.color, then connect remapColor.outColor to the translate of a second object, which effectively maps the position of one object onto the other. In this particular case, the second object initially follows the first then stops outside a zero to 1 bounding box. (To increase the size of this bounding range, increase both the input and output Min/Max settings.) If you reverse the gradients, the second object moves in the opposite direction. And if the graphs are wiggly, the motion of the second object would also be wiggly.

For descriptions of the utility’s input and output ranges, see Input and Output ranges.

Find this utility in the Create tab (see Create tab).

To use this utility, see Use the Remap Color, Remap Hsv, or Remap Value utilities.