Draw a polygon

Instead of starting with a basic primitive shape, you can also start your polygon mesh by drawing it using vertices. This is useful if you have a specific 2D shape that you want to trace.

To create a new polygon

  1. Select Mesh Tools > Create Polygon Tool.
  2. Click to place the first vertex.

    Maya places vertices on the ground plane unless you snap them to existing geometry.

  3. Click to place the next vertex. Maya creates an edge between the first point and the last point you placed.
  4. Place another vertex. A dashed edge connects the three vertices.
    Important: The way you place vertices determines the direction of the face normal. If you place vertices in a clockwise direction, the face normal points downward. If you place vertices in a counter-clockwise direction, the face normal points upward.
  5. Do any of the following:
    • Press Enter to finish the polygon.
    • Press Delete to delete the last point you placed.
    • Press y to start a new polygon.
    • Continue placing vertices to create a quad or n-sided polygon.
    • To switch to editing vertices, press Home or Insert. A manipulator appears on the previous vertex. Use the manipulator to move the vertex, press Delete to delete a segment, or click another vertex to edit it. Press Home or Insert again to finish.

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